Sometimes they really piss me off. Hell, sometimes I piss myself off. But I just need to rant right now, so I'm listing some things that people do which really just annoy the hell out of me. I'll probably add to it in the future even.
The Drama Queen
Okay, so these people are usually girls; don't ask me why. Maybe it's just a gender thing. -shrugs- But seriously, stop making your affairs sound so amazingly stressful and more complain-worthy than ours. Half the time, they're things that everyone goes through. Another 49% of the time, it's your own damn fault. And the 1% that's actually slightly worth complaining about? You make it sound like the world's going to end. Seriously. This just makes you look like a little brat who can't handle life. Okay, so your parents told you you need to improve your grades. You make it sound like if you don't get a 95% on the next test, they're going to chop up your body and shove it in the river. You even throw in some tears. Seriously? In reality, your parents aren't happy with your grades, but you know, given your B's in half your classes, they shouldn't be. They want you to be better. But don't make it sound like they're murderers just waiting for you to get a B on your next test. Even my parents aren't that bad, and this is coming from the girl who freaking CRIED because she got didn't finish one of Mrs. Begg's tests in 7th grade. Tough up. It's life. We all have problems. DEAL WITH IT.
The Phony Perfectionists
So first of all, if you keep repeating that you're a perfectionist, you really can't be that much of one. I'm friends with some of the craziest, most legit perfectionists ever, and trust me, not a single one has actually admitted to being a perfectionist. They might admit to being a little OCD, but none of them say, "OMG, this project took so long! It's not even that hard, it's just because I'm such a perfectionist!" Like, the actual perfectionists will admit to themselves that they're perfectionists, but they never declare it out loud. It's just retarded. Why would you want someone to know that you can't handle something being crooked or out of place?
The Liars/"Slacker" Braggers
Liars in general piss me off. Just tell the truth already. It's not like embellishing yourself with lies is going to make us like you more. But for these purposes, I'm focusing on liars in school. As in,
"OMG, we have a test today! Did you study?"
Okay, some people actually say this honestly, like Eric Tu. He doesn't need to study and everyone knows it. But when it comes to some people, even if they don't need to study, you know with their personality, they definitely studied. Maybe they didn't stay up half the night, but they at least cracked open the book and reviewed terms or things. Some things I really don't study for, like chemistry, but if you ask me if I studied for physics or Euro, it would just be retarded to say no. Obviously I studied. Just admit it. There's nothing good in pretending to be a "slacker" who still gets perfect grades. There's nothing good in BEING a slacker who gets perfect grades.
The "Subtle" Show-off/Attention Seeker
Okay, these are the people who use covers to brag. Like this one guy got his score back for the PSAT. Highest one I saw today, so obviously he was proud of it. But does he go around just saying he did really well, which is annoying enough already? No. He uses his "crappy" grade in critical reading, which is still really good, to shove his PSAT score sheet into your face and fake being really disappointed in himself. Stop it. We can see right through your stupid little act. When my friend congratulated him for doing really well, and he acted surprised that she knew, I literally told him, "Well you've been waving around your score sheet anywhere, obviously she'd know." Did he have a comeback? No. Because that's exactly what he wanted. Attention. To let people know he did well. If you were really mad about that "crappy" score, why the hell would you go around showing people? It's like me running around with a test I failed and screaming, "HEY GUYS, LOOK! I GOT A D-!"
The Secretly Vain Ones
Also mainly girls. Okay, this girl shows up at school in tiny short shorts and a skimpy tank top, in the middle of WINTER. Everyone thinks she's crazy and asks her why the heck she'd wear that in the middle of winter, and what does she say? "Oh I don't know, I really don't care anymore." Yeah, well, we all know you just wanted to be "pretty." Just admit it. "I felt like being pretty today" or "I felt like dressing up today." No one's going to look down at you for wanting to be noticed. We all want to be noticed; everyone's self-esteem gets a boost if you think/know you look good. But pretending you rolled out of bed in freezing cold weather and just randomly decided to wear tiny shorts that barely cover your butt to school? Yeah. Not so much.
The Moochers (Not in Food)
Okay, this seriously annoys me, and probably tons of other people as well. People who come up to you, and only talk to you when they want answers to homework. Really? You think I don't notice that we never talk unless you want to know the formula for sodium bicarbonate? Sometimes I really just want to look at them and say, "You know what? I don't feel like sharing my answers with you, because you'd never talk to me if we didn't have this class together, and if you didn't need help. So go find another person to copy answers off of. B*tch." But of course, I don't want to be mean. So yeah, it's nice knowing that I'm the person you come to for help, because it means I actually know my stuff, and you think I'm nice enough to help you, but seriously. I can tell if you'd talk to me otherwise, like if we passed in the hall. If you're my friend, duh, I'll help you. If you're some little airhead who goofs off in class, then comes up to me in tutorial and pretty much asks me to explain the whole freaking lecture to them, you can bet I'm not too happy about helping you. Oh sure, I'll explain it to you, and help you through it, but I really don't want to be doing this.
Oh, and even better? When they ask for your whole freaking assignment to "check their answers." As in, -coughs- totally copy everything. Plus, they don't even care if they understand the material, they just want the answers. I even had someone ask me to lend them my homework for the period, since our teacher only checks the homework and doesn't collect it. I was just like, "Wow, really?" It just pisses me off, especially in my harder classes, because I spend a good deal of time working my butt off to understand and finish that homework, and you're just getting the answers with pretty much no expense on your part.
The Complainer
Okay, everyone complains. But this is directed to the people who pretty much have a near-perfect life. You complain about parents hating you, yet you show up in brand name clothes. And I know you don't make that much money, if any, to buy them all yourself, because you complain about that too. You consistently say everyone is better than you, and has a better life, when, if you look at yourself, you're perfectly well-off. You say your life is horrible, yet somehow, you're gorgeous, awesome at a sport (any sport), have parents and siblings who love you (even if it's not obvious at times), and compared to the general public, you're extremely smart too. You complain about pretty much everything possible.
You complain about failing a test. Yeah, that's your own fault. Like, I'll talk about it too, but I know when to stop, because it's my own damn fault for not prepping enough. Obviously I didn't understand the material or I wouldn't have flunked. Stop complaining about how the test was impossible. If it was impossible, everyone would have flunked; that didn't happen, so obviously it wasn't impossible. And then there's people who complain oh so loudly about an A-. Shut. The. F*ck. Up. If it's a test in an easy class, okay, that's at least acceptable. If it's a test half the class failed, just close your mouth, because you're making everyone around you feel like shit. You might think you're just putting yourself down, but really? If I got a C and you got an A-, do you really think I'm going to care that you're not satisfied with your grade? No. I'm going to wish I got that grade. And you're going to make me feel like a retard because you keep saying how stupid you were to get an A-. If getting an A- makes you stupid, I must be mentally retarded then.
Oh yeah, and you "stress" about everything. Even if it's not anything to stress about. And you don't even stress quietly or moderately quietly like the rest of us. No. Your voice gets extremely loud, high-pitched, and whiny. First few times, I tell you it's going to be fine, just calm down. After you keep responding with something like, "But I can't calm down! Ahhhhhh!!!" I really just want to punch you in the face. Really.
If I wanted to complain, I could do that really well too. I can talk about how I'm not good at any sports, and how everyone expects me to be this smart little girl (yet I'm not doing so hot in more than half my classes). When I do well, it's no big deal, because that's supposed to happen. Yet suddenly, if I get a bad grade, it's like, "OMG, I beat Erica! Hell yeah!" How is that going to make me feel? I can talk about how I got hit as a kid for not doing well. I can tell you about how inferior I feel compared to my sister, who is taller, prettier, smarter in general, more responsible. I can tell you about the countless times I've gone to bed in tears, and cried myself to sleep because of lectures my parents have given me. Trust me, it's happened more than a few times. I can tell you how worthless and stupid they make me feel.
When you put it that way, I can make my life sound like shit. Sometimes I really feel that way. But do I? No. Because it's not true. I'm lucky to have expectations put on my shoulders. I'm glad that my parents actually expect me to be something. I'm happy that my parents taught me the importance of doing well in school, to be successful. I would rather know what it feels like to have someone be disappointed in you, and go to bed in tears, than to live life totally ignorant. I'm happy to have someone as awesome as my sister to look up to, to help me, to be my role model.
So really? Your life is fine. It's your perspective that needs to change.
By the way, if you're reading this, it's most likely not about you. I didn't really have anyone in mind while writing this, except for that one example for the "subtle" show-off. It was more of just what type of people REALLY annoy me to death in general.
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