Friday, January 23, 2009

Bio/French Finals. And Breaking School Rules!


Apparently the "easy" bio final wasn't exactly that easy... XD I still did pretty well on them though. The scores were doubled in our grades, but without doubling, I got a 15/16 on Taxon, a 22/25 on Sponges, and a 43/45 on the Stinging Cells. So technically, I still did really well, considering I didn't even LOOK at the notes besides like... 30 seconds on the car ride to Cal. XD So all in all, I got a 93% on my final. Better than math. =P

French was... okay... I have no idea what I got, but... Hopefully I at least got a B. =/ Ho hum. Oh well, it's not like it'll make me fail French or anything...

So, my grades as of now are (determined semester grades are in bold, a.k.a the final has been entered):
Mock Trial: A+, 98.38%
Ceramics 1: A+, 100%
Adv. Algebra 2: A, 96.73%
Adv. English 9: A, 98%
PE 9: A+, 98.93%
CP Biology: A+, 103.78%
French 3: A+, 97.67%

And after finals, I snuck onto IHMS campus along with like... a mob of 20 other high school students. XD It was pretty uneventful. Said hi to Ms. Brown, Mrs. Goodhue, Mme. Prochnow, Mrs. Beggs, Mrs. LaHive (I went in during SSR, and said "Hi, Mrs. LaHive!" and every single head popped up. Rather interesting. XD), Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Cline, and Mrs. Allison. Then I saw Mrs. Cicatelli too. =P
It was hella funny, because while I was visiting Goodhue for the second time, Mr. George came in, but right before he came in, I panicked, dropped my backpack, and plonked myself into the seat next to some guy sitting in from of Seohyun and Jillian. XD Then I stole his HNB and a pen to make it look like I was doing something. Then, when Mr. George left, Mrs. Goodhue was going to have the class take the Spelling Bee, and I guess she thought I left, because she looked up, and totally freaked when she saw me. =P I also narrowly avoided Mrs. Cooper too, but I was with Hsiang, and we were waiting for Lucy/Vivian from PE, and I just said really loudly, "What's taking them so long? I change WAY faster than them!" =P Then half the freshmen got kicked off by Mr. George five minutes before the bell rang. Afterwards, when school got out, I went back to Mrs. Goodhue's class, where Karna and Mrs. Goodhue had a intense debate about universal health care. XD So yeah. All in all, it was a pretty good day, and I am SO sneaking onto campus after spring/summer finals!!!

1 comment:

jungface said...

I see u were sho short mr george mistakend u for a middle schooler xP