Sunday, January 11, 2009

Whale Watch Today!!!

It was pretty awesome! I really didn't want to get up this morning though, it was so early! XD Anyways, I got a ride from Robin Podany's mom, and some guys called Alex and Brett were there too. They were playing guitar in the car, it was sort of funny. =P
So, at Fisherman's Wharf, there was this little, ADORABLE, wharf dog, and I went to pet it, and it's like, the cutest thing in the world!!! Kevin got mad at me though, he was rambling about how the dog's dirty and would probably bite me, but he was really clean, just sort of old, and he's really gentle too!

We went on the Princess Monterey (that was the first boat; the second one was Pacific Explorer), and it's pretty big and roomy, with a heated cabin, snack bar, etc. We didn't even sit in the cabin though. XD Actually, Kevin (Y.), Toby, ad I barely sat at all, except for the last half hour or so, because we didn't see much besides some sea lions swimming. We didn't see anything for a while (besides seaweed, birds, and an occasional jellyfish), so we just spent the first hour o guessing which waves would be fun to ride, because every once in a while, a big one came that felt like a small drop on a roller coaster. =P Terry and Melinda were there too; so were Sasha, Bryan, Tommy, Kathy, and some other people.

We saw tons of sea lions! They were just lounging on the rocks and splashing in the water; they're so cute!!! We saw quite a few grey whales too (more like the spouts of air, but whatever), and they were really hard to get pictures of though. -.- Mostly I just got the spouts of air. And a tail here or there. XD But it was pretty cool! Then we had this whole pod of dolphins come up to the boat and start jumping and swimming alongside us, so that was cool. Then after we got back to the wharf, there was a sea otter swimming in the little inlet of the dock, it was soooooo cute!!! <3

It was funny on the ride though; Kevin kept mistaking seaweed for jellyfish, and waves for whales. XDD Then Toby and I were fighting to get pictures. =P Plus I kept taking a ton of pictures whenever I saw a spout or something (since I have a continuous setting on my camera), so I ended up with like, 1/2 of my pictures being of random water and air. XD

It was pretty awesome after the watch too; I was hanging out with Kevin, Melinda, and Terry, and we saw this dude with a ton of parakeets, parrots, etc. Melinda was remarking about how cute they were, so he just like grabbed her and plunked the bird on her wrist, and she was sort of cringing the whole time. It was really fun though! The birds were really nice and they were adorable, but the trainer dude sort of scared me... Melinda's mom didn't want to hold the bird, but he just sort of yanked her over, and was like, "No, you're holding her, and you're not wearing any damn gloves either!!!" Apparently the bird we got to hold had heart failure though, which might explain why she was so gentle. So cute though!

Then we ate at some place. XD It was at the end of the street, right by the dock.
So Kevin missed Mrs. Podany's call, so right after I finished eating, I had to sprint down the road and find the people. XD

All in all, it was a really fun day, I didn't get seasick (yay! XD) and I can't wait for the next field trip we have! =D

1 comment:

jungface said...

I'm so sorry about yesterday......
I didn't mean it like the way you took it...