Sunday, November 23, 2008

CHS Championships!!!

Okay, for those of you who just want a recap, Guard got 1st in our division (3A), and we won Champions (it's like Sweepstakes) for our division too.

So rehearsal went pretty damn well. You could tell everyone was pumped, because even though it was hot, everyone was still running around being crazy (in a controlled manner) and totally owning our work. It was sort of sad knowing that it was our last day of Guard though...
Warm-up went pretty well. It was really weird warming up at Cal though; it was weird walking out to the field too. But it was a lot of fun, and it's OUR field (Or, as Jay says, Cal's field) so we knew we were going to own everyone! =P
The show itself went okay for me... I had one major break, a minor mistake, and a major sail. =P For the break, it was when we come off the front sideline for the ballad; I couldn't find my second ballad flag (which was actually under Lori's saber), so I spent what seemed like 5 minutes digging around for it (I was out for around counts), then I sort of went to my dot, which was only 5 steps away from the front sideline, so that was okay. Then the second mistake was when we did the toss and caught it leaning towards the audience. It went really crooked, so I was like, "Oh shit!" but I managed to catch it in the crook of my arm, so at least it didn't drop. I'm not sure if anyone noticed though... You could probably tell... Then I had a sail for like 16 counts of the work. -.- I got it in the end of the fermata in the closure, and didn't get it out under we started re-doing the opener work... =/
Afterwards, we got to sit in the student section of the field, and Jung got me one of the Jamba Juices that he owes me. =P So we ran around taking pictures and eating and watching people perform. McQueen's Guard is pretty good, but Folsom won 1st for their category (4A).
We had pictures right after our competition, but they were like $17.50 each, and I didn't have any money, plus my parents didn't go watch, so I couldn't buy any. -.- I saw Daniel K and Terry there though. I think. The were just standing there, watching people. It was rather interesting. Then we went and changed, and headed back out to the stadium to watch other bands and for the awards ceremony.
We got 1st for Guard, 92.4, and Champions for 3A, 90.65. We beat Cupertino by 0.2! They got 90.45. So hah! This is payback for the time when YOU beat us by one-fifth of a point! Then Rodriguez got 3rd; i don't know their score though.
Then Guard was all crying and taking pictures, and hugging our coaches (Jay actually gave out hugs o.o) and each other. I wanted to cry, but then I didn't ant to cry, so I ended up tearing up but not actually crying. XD Jessie wasn't even there though... and she's not coaching next year either... *tear* We licked/kissed the trophy, and just ran around saying how we loved each other. =) It was funny, because Colton gives hugs where he lifts the person up and swings them around in a circle. XP

It was just really fun and exciting, and happy and everything, but then it's sad because Justine, Laura, Lia, and Yeaji are all not going to be here next year, so it's a really bittersweet memory. We had tons of good times together, but then we'll probably never see each other again... =(
We have a Guard party at Melanie's house tomorrow though! Yay! I'll post more then. =) CHS YOU KNOW!

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