Sunday, September 7, 2008

Official Carpool!

So yeah, I'm carpooling with Ross from now on. Anyways, he (or rather, his mom) is going to pick me up in the mornings, and my mom's going to send us back in the afternoon. But yeah. Except my mom isn't sending us back tomorrow, since Ross has band practice, and guard practice doesn't start until 5. But anyways, I'm carpooling. Just saying. Haha.

I finished all my homework! W00t! Except I got the questions on my French Take Home Tutor right, and they said it was wrong on the summary. =( But Mme. Goldin doesn't care, she just wants to make sure you did it! I still have to study for the English quiz though. Which I'm still going to fail. But whatever.

By the way, Diego's Goodbye is the ballad that's the second part of our band/guard show. I totally love it. It's so emotional, and it reminds me of the dramas I watch. XD It actually makes me kind of want to cry...

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