Monday, January 28, 2008

Random Thoughts of Life and Love

Same old, same old today. Finally decided to get a blog. I did go to the movies (well, the area around the movies), whereas something weird happened, but I had to play piano right afterwards. Blech. I ate homemade spring rolls today, whereas mine like half broke xD.
Love Contract is adorable. Ok, so I'm obsessed with those Asian love dramas, but they're so cute. Doesn't everyone (fine, maybe just the girls) wish for a guy that'll love them no matter what, protect them whenever and just hold them tight like they'd never let go? So sure, maybe those love dramas will never happen to me, or anyone, in real life, but I can always hope... As of now, there's no one like that in my life. xD Probably won't be soon either. I can always hope that one day I'll meet the guy that'll keep me close when I'm sad and celebrate my joys as if they were his own. Just those little fantasies of an adolescent not-yet-teenage girl. Sometimes I'm really jealous of my sister. She has the guy that'd do anything to make her smile, whom she can call at 4 am because she's sad, who walks by her side, holding her hand and keeping her safe. Oh well, I'll find my guy sometime.

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