Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Time Flies When You're Struggling to Balance Labwork, Teaching, Classes, Moving...

But no more classes! I already feel like I've got so much more free time haha. In reality, I don't really, but it's the thought that counts?

Have to pack up in the next week or so, that way I've got everything ready to go once I get back from Reunions! (Super excited for Reunions and to see everyone again!)

Summer goals:
- Finally get into a good rhythm/schedule
- Test for my provisional sailing license!
- Learn how to play that ukulele (it's been a long time coming, like 3 years?)
- Get back into bouldering

I feel like I just need to get into a decent rhythm to feel like an actual adult haha. Some modicum of control would be nice, but you know, I'll take what I can get.

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