Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Un petit chat qui rate sa famille

It's been a week.

Sort of crazy to think I've already been here a week... And only been here a week. I feel like I've done quite a bit of labwork (though it being research I'm not used to may factor into that), plus I've spoken more French in the past week than the past year (though that's not saying much). But I've also organized a spontaneous weekend trip to Italy, wandered around cities without a GPS or map or knowledge of the official language, and spent more money in the past few days than I care to admit.

It's pretty amazing.

I really am missing my family and friends though - I would be lying if I said more than a small part of me wishes I were back in the States. That's not to say I'm not enjoying my time here... Just that I miss everyone back home.

But I'll make the most of the time I have, and try not to be so worried about everything all the time (relevance of labwork, travelling plans, GRE...).

Meanwhile, in case you haven't seen them on Facebook, here are a couple of photos from the weekend!

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