Sunday, December 14, 2014

Adventures in the United Club

4:07pm: Enters United Club. I hope they have a restroom here. Oh they have a restroom. Good. Ooh and fancy couches. They have showers? They have showers. What is a shower valet? 

 4:11pm: Ooh fruit. Wait baby carrots! Ahh they have cheese. And crackers! And green tea mmm. Oh and lots of cookies. 

4:32pm: Omnomnomnomnom. Oh I should Facebook about this. 

4:38pm: Calling mom... They have food and showers!

4:54pm: Hrm. Half an hour left. Eating more cheese and crackers...

5:17pm: Pockets full of cheese and crackers. And carrots. Maybe I should grab another banana. So glad I decided to check this out. This is great. Much fun. Much greatness. Much food. Omnomnom.

5:22pm: I should remember to fill up my thermos before I go.

5:33pm: I should probably go to the gate now... So worth. So wonderful. Much food. =D

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