Saturday, January 18, 2014

(Not) Being Premed

In light of lots of conversations lately regarding premeds and their attentiveness to grades and GPA, I can only be insanely thankful that I have no plans to go to med school, no matter how much I joke that I could be a doctor. Because honestly, I couldn't. I'm nowhere near competitive enough to get the grades needed. I'm happy with my B+s most of the time; an A- is a blessing and an A would be a miracle in quite a few of my classes. Hearing friends talk about a B+ like it's the end of the world is honestly just... sort of sad and rather demoralizing.

I'm sure I was guilty of it myself in high school. And not that it makes it better, but we're at Princeton now. Princeton. The currently ranked #1 school in America. Princeton, with its grade deflation and difficult courses. A B+? I'd say that's pretty damn good.

But at the same time, I can't help but feel a little insecure. I'm studying hard. I study with these people sometimes. Why am I not doing as well? Sure, I don't do it for the grade, and I don't worry about my grades as much, considering I'm not premed, but still...

It just makes me feel a little bad.

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