Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Conversations and Thanksgiving

I've only recently realized how much I've talked throughout my life without actually saying anything. I really do crave deep conversations, I just sort of suck at them. But if anyone ever wants to talk, please pull me out of my comfort zone!

On another note, while talking to Christie today, I really just was overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of things I have to be thankful for in any given day. A warm bed, food and clean water, a loving family and supportive friends. A wonderful fellowship and a great university, being able to pursue something I love, the convenience afforded by technology and the comfort of home away from home. An absolutely amazing boy whom I love and who loves me back. And above all, a gracious and merciful God who knows me better than I know myself and who will always provide for me as long as I ask (and who answered my prayers with a decent/average score on biochem and a 10/10 on a physics quiz I felt unsure on!).

Sending off a letter today to thank a family for funding my financial aid, grabbing some late meal, then just chilling and watching a movie with friends.

What a wonderful way to start off a Thanksgiving break.

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