Saturday, November 10, 2012

Drunken Rages

There were two guys fighting in our hall, just completely wrestling with each other and slamming each other into walls and stuff. Lots of cursing and onward. PSafe came to break it up after one of the guys got shoved rather violently into our door. 

I wasn't really expecting this to happen at Princeton. I mean, I sort of knew it would, since it's college, and people get drunk and so on, but at the same time, I wasn't expecting to actually see it happen, especially in a sub-free dorm. It was more like, I thought I'd maybe hear of a really intense argument every few weeks or months. 

This is part of why I don't drink... Not because I'd get to the point where I'd lose judgment, or because my friends would, but because I'd be around people who do. You got into Princeton; you'd think you'd be smart enough to know not to do stupid shit.

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