We had our first lecture with Professor Guo today. He was talking about nanorobots and mentioned that it was the dream of a scientists by the name of Eric Drexel (or something). Then he said some things along the lines of...
"But I don't know if that dream is legitimate. Some dreams aren't legitimate. Actually, most dreams aren't legitimate. But keep following your dreams! ...Whether they're legitimate or not."
It was hilariously depressing. I like Professor Guo - he goes on the most random tangents and they're rather amusing...
I have also apparently become the go-to person for the people around me for Mascal's lab. Everyone asks me questions, and I'm lost half the time myself, so it was funny. I titrated a total of 4 solutions today, including mine, because people couldn't get theirs. I thought this ended with AP chem, but I guess not. Ah well, I guess I'm not really complaining. It's nice to feel needed. xD
On the way to the dining commons for dinner, I was biking pretty fast - about 15 mph - and entered this roundabout. And since I was biking so fast, somehow I couldn't make a tight turn so it went too wide, then I couldn't brake in time, so I completely crashed into one of those construction fences. It actually hurt too, which is surprisingly as I tend to hurt myself without actually... hurting myself. But basically, I now have lots of bruises, scrapes, a bump on my head and a cut on my lip (which has swollen up and looks like it has a blood blister).
I was debating playing it up a little, like crying a bit and stumbling all over the place, but decided against it because while it would be funny, it would totally freak out my friends, so yeah. My bike was fine, thank god. It had some scrapes but definitely still usable. Chain got sort of whacked up and the handlebars went off center, but those were easily fixed.
I sort of wish someone caught that on tape - I could totally send it to AFV, this random girl biking really fast, then an "Oh shit!" and smashing head on into a fence. Plus a bus came by a few minutes later while we were still in the middle of the roundabout inspecting my wounds, and had to wait for us to get out of the way. It was sort of awkward, but whatever.
I'm just super surprised I didn't hurt myself seriously, because that was a pretty hard crash... I landed on one of those orange traffic pole things and a segment of the metal fence, and my bike half collapsed on me. But while I feel amazingly beat up and my lip is starting to hurt rather badly (it's also now rather hard to eat), I didn't break anything!
I also choked on apple juice during dinner. And tie-dyed a face towel. Hm. Brandon, Ryan T, Shiori, and I went to The Old Teahouse and got boba; that was pretty delicious. I also took like the fastest shower in the history of my life - it was like 3 minutes long because I didn't wash my hair or shave - I also had to use a face towel as a towel because I forgot to take one into the bathroom with me. xD
We suck at pingpong. Pretty much enough said. We have decided to modify it so that we're allowed to play off fixtures too, like door frames, lights, exit signs...
It was a pretty eventful day. After having crashed into that fence, I am SERIOUSLY surprised I have never broken a bone in my life.
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