Sunday, August 1, 2010

Good Start

A pretty good start today, at least for lately. Maybe even for normally too. Which is nice, because lately I've been being woken up at like 6-7am, which isn't nice... Anyways, I had class today, but that turned out to be okay, so it was pretty nice. A little bit of a downer afterward, but nothing major. Hope the rest of today goes smoothly as well...

As for my 30 Day Challenge post today? I'm going to save it until I have a picture. =]

Edit: Jess and I went to YogurtLand and got like 13.5 ounces. xD Then we went to Border's and just sat there. And read. -gasp-

Edit: Crap puddles are clearing up. My sister is amazing.

1 comment:

Vashezzo said...

I think being amazing just runs in your family. :P