Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween! FREE CANDY!

So the performances on Friday were HELLA fun! Actually, Friday was just awesome in general. We had performances for Marching Band and Colorguard, where we go to the elementary schools in the area, and a senior center, and... perform. Guard has this thing where we look for similarly dressed elementary school kids, and they're our little sisters/brothers. Since I was Harry Potter (or an impersonation of him. Female version. Whatever.), I had tons of little brothers, and one little sister. =P Plus Sophia and Michael were Hermione/Harry Potter, so it was pretty awesome! Little kids have awesome costumes! there was this one Nintendo DS, a pickup lift driver (complete with the pickup lift), DOMO!, and boba!!! Plus Ross had a little brother at Walt Disney. HOT DOGS UNITE! XD It was so awesome! At Twin Creeks, we got them to play "Beat It" so the whole guard did the dance. =D Then at Walt Disney, the whole guard got up and did a congo line in and through the band; it was so much fun! <3 So I got to say hi to some of my old teachers too. Technically, only Mrs. Parkhurst and Mrs. Macias, but Mrs Macias didn't remember me. =( Mrs. Parkhurst did though, so that made me happy. =) Then I was walking around campus and everything seems so small! Ah, memories... Then when we had lunch (right before the performance at Walt Disney), I went into the McDonalds PlayPlace, and it was AWESOME! Well, I tried climbing up the staggered stairs thing, and bashed my head on the second step. XD But otherwise, it was so much fun! And I chased around these little kids who called me a mad scientists, so I told them that I would feed them to my pet dragon. =P I love little kids; they're so cute! So anyways, that was really fun. Excluding the weird looks from my friends and all the parents, but hey, at least I enjoy my life! =P


Then at Kumon, we had TONS of candy. I didn't know if we could take it at first, but then Rima came around with a basket and told us to take as much as we wanted, so I totally got sugar high. Plus the fact that Clarie was with me (since Nari took the day off), so we were both eating candy and being awesome. And I was helping her with logs, but whatever, that's irrelevant. =P It was so fun! We just spent the whole Kumon time eating marshmallow brains and Laffy Taffys. I love Kumon! (And we all know that's only because I got candy, but hey...)


but hey, it's actually pretty fun. =PChinese school was pretty fun too, we had a tic-tac-toe competition. =P Not much to do with Halloween there though, but we DID decide that we were going to sing a song for our annual Chinese school performance. And I'm a main singer, as always, since no one really wants to sing. And Josephine and I planned to go watch "Paranormal Activity" tomorrow, but we probably won't be able to... Too short of a notice... Oh well.


So I had an AWESOME time trick-or-treating with Ross and Tommy today. We ate at the Montevideo party thingy first, where we had sort of a cookie decorating competition. Which I won. =P But that was fun. Then we just walked around and got candy! As well as several comments about us being the "old kids." And more comments about Ross' costume, which, regardless of what people said, was epically awesome. ;D Then afterwards, we went back to Tommy's and counted/ate candy, and talked about Marching Band, cuz nothing else is common among all three of us. XD It was actually rather sad. But it was really fun, so whatever. =P

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