Anyways, I passed. Yay. But my judge was seriously crazy. I swear, she looks at EVERY. SINGLE. NOTATION. -.- I'm not going to use the pedal on every single song, or play the song exactly as the page says. Jeez. I swear. Besides, it's not my fault that I was never instructed to use the soft pedal, but nooooooo, she still needs to dock points. Same for playing forte where it says mezzo-forte. Even though my teacher said to. But whatever, she ended up liking me. It all depends on how you talk to her (haha, she was fun to talk to).
Basically she'd like, come over after every single song and tell me exactly what was wrong with it. And I'd just be like, "Okay." "All right." "I'll make sure to pay attention to that in the future." So she was like, "You're very mature. And you're only fourteen!" Then, just for good measure, I added, "Thanks for all these suggestions, I'm sure they'll help in my studies in the future." (NOT) But it was rather interesting. Plus she'd always cut me off halfway in the middle. And there was one where she cut me off and had me restart in the end. It was like:
Judge: Okay, that's enough. Now, can you start playing at the G minor arpeggio?
Me*thinking*: What the f*********ck? (I mean seriously, who memorizes pieces according to where they have arpeggios or whatever?)
Me *speaking*: Uhm, I'm not exactly sure which section of the piece you're referring to...
Haha, it all depends on how you phrase it. =P But she was a pretty cool person, just not exactly the best judge. She started talking to a seagull. As in, "SHUT UP. You're annoying me" to a seagull cawing. XDD She also started walking around and dumping out her purse halfway through my "Moonlight Sonata" looking for a tissue. But anyways, after a while, I gave up trying to get her to like my playing, sine she was too anal, and just spent time trying to get her to like me, since sometimes (rarely, but it happens), they give you more points that way. XD So I was all like (since she'd just spent like, 3 hours listening to two students when their teacher scheduled them for one hour TOTAL), "Take your time. I was waiting outside for a while, so I know how it feels. We've both had a long day."
But she refused to cut any pieces. It went along:
Teacher: You can go ahead and cut some pieces, we've been here for a long time.
Judge: Oh, it's fine, I'm sure your student would want me to listen to all of the pieces she's prepared, right? *looks at me*
Me *thinking*: Oh hell no! Cut ALL my pieces if you want!
Me *speaking*: Oh, well, if it's easier for you... I wouldn't mind if you cut a few...
But yeah, I was SUPPOSED to start testing at 3:45. But uhm... it ended up being like, 6:25. *sighs* And the judge only gave me an "Excellent." I think it's my lowest score yet; I've always gotten "Superior"s and "Superior Plus"s. I think I had on or two "Superior Minus"s, but definitely not an "Excellent." *sighs* Oh well, it was fun talking to the judge. Haha. I'm sort of glad I didn't take my Bach though (even though I prepared all of them), because given how freaking meticulous this judge is, she probably would've failed me. =P
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