Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tarot Readings

Just for fun, I asked, "Does anyone like me right now?" since my friends are starting to say people do, again. I got:
Three of Cups in the "Love & Me" Position
You are richly rewarded in life with people who love you. (I am?) Celebrate your close relationships, including one that could develop into love. When the Three of Cups is in this position, you have balanced your priorities and have harmonized your inner life with your outer life. (AWESOME!) This leaves you with a sense of serenity and relaxation. The fact that you feel bonded with and supported in your close relationships says that you attract other well-balanced souls like yourself. (I do?)
This card is a compliment to you for having earned the hard-won rewards of peace and trust. The natural flow between you and others is becoming fruitful and enjoyable and enlivens the potential for intimacy. (Uh... cool?)
Two of Swords in the "Situation" Position
Be open to new information about a potential relationship. With the Two of Swords in this position, the temptation may be to fight or run, jumping to judgmental conclusions and opposing a possible love interest every step of the way. (Hmm... am I?) This would result in an increasingly polarized situation. If you intend to keep a new relationship moving forward, this is not the most advantageous place to go. (Don't have a new relationship.) If you want to improve things, you may want to stay clear of taking sides, even your own. What may work is for you and the one you desire to move from a personal point of view to a shared point of view -- even though you will still have differences. Pause for a moment, refuse to react. Sheath your sword in favor of listening to your loved one more closely. (I don't have a loved one in that way right now, though.)
Two of Cups in the "Challenges" Position
Open yourself only to one who has earned your trust and loyalty. (I trust lots of people...) Be sure the one you want to be involved with meets you half way. (I don't really have one I want to be involved with...) The Two of Cups in this position presents an opportunity for you to reveal your deepest truths to someone who has earned your trust and proven his or her loyalty. Now may not be the time to forsake your boundaries and merge with someone, even if your instinct and desires are pulling you in this direction. You may feel completely smitten and would like to be swept off your feet -- but don't be so eager to give yourself away! (Haha, I DO want my own romantic drama.) No realistic relationship will demand one hundred percent surrender. Also, no healthy person should expect this in the name of love. It's not required that you save anyone or that you be rescued. You do not need to risk everything for another. Give up dramatic agendas. It may be more important that you meet half way, with hearts open, and get to know each other better. (Hmm... who are they talking about though?)

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