Sunday, August 23, 2020

Conflict Resolution

How is it that people can get through so much of life and have basically zero conflict resolution skills? Long story short, an individual has basically been accusing me of harassing her (by, ironically enough, harassing me with incidents that I'm supposed to have done) over more than the last year. And in the past week or so, her ex-boyfriend has apparently teamed up with her to target me in Pokemon Go. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I just want to be left alone, but they refuse to talk to me. Some people are actually just crazy.

PSA for those who play, steer clear of JessJKitty and Chinterspi (and maybe to be safe, alexjl25 as well). They currently live on top of Putnam in Lechmere. Known accounts that they own/use/share include lightningShrike, Kitsunebbi, ErrantEmber, ProteanEevee, M4CHOMP, CasualBronwen, and RainbowBron. More probably exist.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Job Security!!!

It's been quite a while, but I thought the fact that I have some job offers for post-graduation was worth posting here, for anyone who might still check in periodically. Specific decision to be made shortly, and will update here once decided!

I do want to be better about updating things here, so perhaps this is a start. Grad school has thrown many things off track, but I do like being able to have a running journal/record of the many things that happen in life!


I realize the last post was pre-quarantine, so suffice to saw many many things have changed since then haha.