Thursday, May 31, 2012

Senior Awards!

I finally understand why Mrs. Sampson wanted me to sit near the front. Went up SO many times - academic excellence, AAUW, Rotary, National Merit, outside scholarships, Toner scholarship... Oh dear. It was actually rather tiring. xD It was nice, though I feel like some people who should have been acknowledged weren't - mainly an issue of one award per department and the rest being about scholarships though. Well, back to Copperfield!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Currently in the process of demolishing the cotton candy I bought today.

Senior picnic was pretty fun! Rollercoasters and food. =] Eric and I spent quite a while and like $20 total trying to win a giant Pikachu (alas, it was not to be). We had fun though! Frozen lemonade, yummm!

Monday, May 28, 2012

I can officially watch R-rated movies by myself now. Yay.

Happy 17th birthday to me!!! Cake today, maybe, depending. We'll see. Maybe Fentons with the Fro. Might just chill at home - sadly still have homework to do. Ho hum. I'm sort of delusional, it's too late/early for this. xD

Edit: Yep, just chilling at home today. With David Copperfield. =P

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Looking "Cool"

Personally, I think the senior flash mob will be fun. I don't even know if I'm doing it, but I don't get why people are hating on it - if you don't want to do it, cool, stop calling the people who do idiots. Since when does wanting to look "cool" get in the way of having some fun every now and then? Not to be mean, but if you're that preoccupied with not "looking like a idiot," you probably aren't the brightest of souls out there... It's one thing to politely say you aren't comfortable with dancing in public and end it there - it's quite another to say the whole thing is stupid and that the people who are planning on doing it are stupid as well.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Poor, Sick Me

Life decided I had too much fun this weekend and now I have a HORRIBLE sore throat. Yeah, well, screw you. BRING IT, I CAN TAKE THIS.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rhythm of Love

Had another absolutely amazing night today, with all of my Chinese school peeps. Making a bunch of noise when our class was called, taking a ton of pictures, dancing like maniacs, singing around the piano. It was awesome. It's been a pretty amazing ten years at Chinese school too; granted, I didn't learn much, but I've met quite a few really awesome people...

I'm going to miss all of you in the future... Keep in touch, okay?

"We may only have tonight,
But 'til the morning sun, you're mine, all mine
Play the music low
And sway to the rhythm of love."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

One Night in Paris ♥

It was pretty amazing. Not much to say - sort of one of those experiences you just have to have yourself. Though I will say that seeing a shooting star on the ride home was a big plus. Thank you to Ross for making this night super special!

Friday, May 18, 2012


EVER! Of course, college finals will be worse, but... I have ONE sticker left. Out of however many they give you in your packet. ONE. Souvenier I suppose? xD

I have a very intense love-hate relationship with David Copperfield. I love reading the book, but I hate it when I have to read a certain number of chapters... And when I have to skip around because I missed quizzes. And when I can't read ahead because I'm afraid of confusing myself for the quizzes. Blah. Oh well.

The next month is going to be awesome! I doubt we're going to do anything in APES again... Just a final left for calc next week. Projects in gov/psych. Learning stuff still in lit and econ, but it's going to be so much more chill!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oh Dear. Mon Dieu.

Out of context conversation with Shu today. What can I say... It was rather interesting and pretty awkward. But hilarious. xD

AP Gov test tomorrow! I can't tell if I care. Meh. Probably not.

I do, however, sort of care about econ. I'd rather not take 100/101, since apparently they're really boring. But hey, we'll see. Hopefully I get those 5s, but maybe not. I haven't done well on practice tests, which is actually really concerning cuz I though econ was easy this year... Maybe I haven't learned enough... =\

Monday, May 14, 2012


After these practice tests, I feel like maybe I should review for econ... Weird, because I thought econ was easy... But I've forgotten all my graphs, and apparently I suck more at macro than I thought I did. Damn.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fine, It's All My Fault

I asked you if they were in the drawer - you said no. Obviously I'd think that I didn't put it back then. I trusted you that they weren't in the drawer, so the only other place they could have been was on my bed. I wasn't 100% sure I put them in the drawer, but I KNEW I had them on the bed. You spent all of 3 hours telling me you thought I left them at the pool, and that I was lying about them having been on my bed. Now it turns out I put them back in the drawer, and it's still my fault for not remembering that, and thinking I left them on my bed? I don't even get a sorry for you telling me I'm a liar? Thanks. I love you too. Happy Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gemini Personality

Gemini Strength Keywords:
- Energetic
- Clever
- Imaginative
- Witty
- Adaptable

Gemini Weakness Keywords:
- Superficial
- Impulsive
- Restless
- Devious
- Indecisive

Gemini and Independence:
Gemini are extremely independent. They will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules. They need to experience the world on their own. Change and freedom are extremely important to Gemini, they will never let anyone dictate them, they are extremely independent and freedom is essential to their mental well being.

Gemini and Friendship:
Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends. They like to leave their mark on everyone they meet. They are very flighty and will disappear for a long time as they meet new friends and explore new places. But when they come back, they will have new thoughts, opinions and interesting things to share and ideas to teach. Life is very interesting and fun with a Gemini friend. If you need any advice, Gemini is the one to ask. They are masters of communication and they can help you get what you need by helping you with persuasion and enthusiasm, and they give good advice too. Do not however, bog a Gemini down with all of your emotional problems, they are not want to deal with it because it depresses them and steps on their freedom if you need too much long term help, support and follow up. A Gemini friend can fill you in with the latest gossip and if you love conversation, the Gemini delivers! They are very generous with their friends, they will spend lots of time with you and share everything with you. Even though Gemini is a social butterfly, they always need time for themselves and that should be respected.

Gemini and Business:
Gemini tends to disperse their energy on different tasks and not just focus on one thing thus leaving a trail of unfinished projects in their wake. If they were to focus their energy in one place, their cleverness and intelligence would allow them to complete their project with success and creativity. Gemini makes an excellent manager, they can motivate a team with their enthusiasm and vitality. They also make excellent salespeople because their ease of communication allows them to be clever and make a comeback to anything a person says. They can persuade and manipulate very well. They can easily justify any move they make and explain any action.

Gemini Temperament:
Gemini have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a result, they have a very nervous temperament. They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb everything they can about their surroundings at once. The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up. However, if they experience boredom and have nothing to survey, they get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety. This is the Gemini duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous, excitable package.

Gemini Deep Inside:
One downfall of Gemini is their superficiality. Instead of looking deep into a person's real qualities, Gemini will judge a person by the way they treat them. This can lead Gemini to have wrong impressions of people and can cause problems ion relationships. Gemini's can have feeling of discouragement and moodiness although they never allow this to be seen by anyone but heir closest friends or family. Gemini usually want everyone to think that they are always happy and doing wonderfully and stress never affects them.

Gemini in a Nutshell:
Gemini people are many sided, quick both in the mind and physically. They are brimming with energy and vitality, they are clever with words. They are intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and every person. Gemini are curious and always want to know what's going on in the world around them. They are not one to sit back and watch the world go by, they want to be involved. This can sometimes make Gemini nosy, they do not mind their own business! This is because they really enjoy communicating, more so then most other astrology signs, they are the ultimate social butterfly. Gemini can talk and talk, but they have interesting things to say, their talk is not mindless babble. They have interesting opinions and thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak their mind. They are always in the know and are the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking perseverance, Gemini easily goes off topic to explore another thought or idea. Gemini are superficial, they will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead them into thinking they know everything, which they usually do but their mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine and boredom are Gemini's biggest fears. Gemini would rather be naive then know the depressing truth, they do not want anything putting a damper on their freedom or positive energy.

I Miss You

Sort of ridiculous. I see you every day and talk to you pretty much every day too, but lately it feels like you're so far away. It's sort of hard to keep a conversation going, and it feels awkward sometimes... And I can count a few times in the last week or so that talking to you made me feel sad afterward - it only reaffirmed my notion that we're drifting apart. It just feels like you don't understand what I'm trying to say, and I'm afraid of misinterpreting what you say.

I don't want this to happen.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Idiosyncratic Again

Just because I've started eating watermelon again... I dislike the seeds. Not just the inedible black ones, but the white ones too, that people normally eat. I at least pick off all of the ones on the surface.

When asked about one of my best decisions, I could only come up with one I had made when I was eight. Somehow, that doesn't seem good.

Ariel Lin - Fireflies

Ni shun zhe wo shou xin de xian
Qian zhe gan qing de yi nian
Ni he wo xiao de hen tian
Liang ke xin feng feng yu yu
Guo zhao ji nian shuo zai jian xiang zuo tian
Xiang ying huo chong dian liang le si nian

Zai mei tian jiu ming tian
Wo men qian shou xie ji nian
Liu xia tian hai you qiu tian
Xing fu de shun jian
You shi jian you liu lian
Xiao rong hua zhuang wo de lian
Ai hui xiang ying huo chong gai bian
Kuai le deng huo de hu xian

Zai wo men xin zhong de na tiao xian
Lian zhao teng xi de yi nian
Wo bi ni xiao de geng tian
Liang ke xin mang mang lu lu
Guo zhao ji nian ting zhao ni gao su wo
Kuai le yi hou hai hui you yong yuan

Zai mei tian jiu ming tian
Wo men wei xiao xie ji nian
Rang xia tian hai you qiu tian
Ji zhu zhe ji nian
You shi jian you liu lian
Xi huan kan zhao ni de lian
Wo hui xiang ying huo chong pei ni
Yi qi zou guo di ping xian

Zai mei tian jiu ming tian
Wo men qian shou xie ji nian
Liu xia tian hai you qiu tian
Xing fu de shun jian
You shi jian you liu lian
Xiao rong hua zhuang wo de lian
Ai hui xiang ying huo chong gai bian
Kuai le deng huo de hu xian


I'm singing this for my Chinese school graduation I guess. It's not too hard and it's within range. xD

Friday, May 4, 2012

Things to Do Next Year

~ Learn how to make boba (and possibly explode the kitchen)
~ Sing duets! And completely fail, but have an awesome time regardless!
~ All-nighters wandering Nassau Street
~ Find the best place in town to watch the sunrise
~ Snow angels/men/forts... Snowball fights... =D

And much, much more to come. So excited! College is going to be such a blast...