Thursday, March 31, 2011

174/365 (Test Marathon!)

Yay for three tests for three classes, on of which I didn't even have today!

The chem MC was killer, but the FR and reactions seemed super easy... I got a flat 90% in APUSH, so my grade went from a 89.9% to a 90%. xD Laugh about it now, freak out right before the DBQ we have next class... The bio test was pretty bad, but ah well...
I have a pretty good buffer in all of my classes except APUSH, so yeah... =]

I was talking to Ross after school about the chem FR, and he kept thinking it was C5H6 for the empirical formula that we had to calculate, and I kept saying C6H5, so we were going to be like, whatever, it was a 5 and a 6, when he talked himself through it and was like, so it's C6H5! And I just look at him and say, "Which is what I said?" It was rather funny, but probably one of those "you had to be there moments." xP

173/365 (ASVAB)

I basically got within the 98/99th percentiles for all of the categories except Auto Shop (53rd) and Mechanical Comprehension (88th). So I guess my life ambition of becoming an auto shop mechanic is out...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Academic Awards

The funniest thing happened in chem today (aside from people rolling bags of ice and rock salt while making ice cream). So we have these academic awards thing, which is basically an event during which everyone with above a 3.5 GPA receives some pin or certificate, or whatever. The ceremony was during tutorial this year instead of at night or whatnot, and while most classes were forced to go, Mr. Coburn was more like, oh whatever. So basically no one from my AP Chem class went (waste of time).

Since we didn't go, people brought in the awards to give to the "absentees," and this guy walks into Coburn's class with a HUGE stack of manila envelopes, and Mr. Coburn was just like, "Are these ALL for my class?" It was hilarious. xP

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

172/365 (Thursday is Going to Suck)

Three tests and an essay due. And I only have three classes! I just need to make up the APUSH test... -cries- Ugh. APUSH, chem, bio tests and English essay... I'm so screwed.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Yay For Eddie and Lisa xD


171/365 (Varsity Mock Trial, 2010-2011)


170/365 (Back to San Ramon)

I didn't get to watch finals - we woke up too late. =[ But Rambo's team lost! (The judge who screwed us over.) So we were happy about that. xD

We went out to eat at some cafe and back to the pizza place (yum for bear claws, hot chocolate, and fries)! Lisa and I went back and packed and everything, then left with Steven.

We dropped his brother off at UCLA and toured the campus while his parents helped him finish moving into his apartment. Steven was our tour guide; it was sort of funny. We totally found Mock Trial references on campus too! Pikesville and UCLA are both made primarily of bricks (I wonder if the ones in UCLA are coated with calcium silicate...), and UCLA has a Powell Library (Powell Avenue) and Campbell Hall (Sydney Campbell). It was awesome. xP

Then we pretty much just drove all the way back. We stopped at Chipotle for some food, then Lisa and I slept for a while and talked about school and boys and stress and stuff.

This weekend was super fun. Stressful at times, but amazingly awesome. I had absolutely no time to do homework though - I'm so glad I finished chem and calc... I still need to study for history, read bio, and write an English essay... Blah. Ah well. This weekend was pretty amazing. =]


Sunday, March 27, 2011

169/365 (Last Day of Competing)

We didn't make it to finals. =[ But we're still awesome! Today was a complete Mock Trial MARATHON, freaking trials from like 9:00am to 9:30pm, it was crazy. The last judge completely sucked too; I swear he made both of the teams look like crap so his team would go on (since he was a coach for a team). Ah well. It's been fun, and I'm probably going to go watch finals tomorrow (hopefully!) so it's going to be awesome. =]

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Lisa is amazing and I love her forever. 'Cuz we're awkward together. =D She's freaking awesome and hyper and bubbly and retarded, but in Marnie/Ravid/my way and not the other way. =P We want bubble tea right now, but sadly, it's past curfew. =[ Ah well. We're going to watch She's The Man later and stay up late and be awesome together.

So we woke up today and ate at this nice little cafe thing. It was cute. =D Then we had a trial, which was pretty awesome, but I have NO idea who won. Actually, scratch that. We won! 'Cuz we're winners! And even if the judges don't think we won, we did! Especially since Lisa did AMAZING!!! Yay! =P

We got food at the social (and it was FREE!!!) and talked to people and stole, but not really, pins from random schools. It was pretty fun. And we met up with some guys that we went against in the trial and talked to them, and I made Lisa get Eddie's phone number after I got it. Long story short, I was joking that I wanted their numbers since Nam (other dude) was all like, "Call me!" and I actually got numbers. o.o It was weird, but whatever. I don't think I'm ever going to call them. Maybe find them on Facebook (or FacePlace! Aha!).

It was a pretty awesome day and now I'm going to watch a movie with Lisaur before she starts shooting death glares at me for being on her laptop for forever and eating up movie time, especially since this has taken like 50 times to post.



Friday, March 25, 2011

Road Trip

It's really nice to look out the window when you're driving at night, especially when it's raining. It's just really relaxing and sort of... other-worldly in a sense. Just watching the stars of the land shoot by and the stars of the sky stay in their place forever. The twinkling of the cities as we race by, and the glimmer of lamplights and random billboards in the distance. As above all, the ephemeral mist of rain a glittering glaze over the glass. It's amazing. =]

167/365 (Riverside Marriott!)

I'm sort of behind on my 365 Day Challenge posts, but too lazy to make them up, so I guess I'll just finish in a bit more than 365 days. Ah well. I'll just post some random thoughts of me down here in SoCal!

I'm going to start putting mini-titles next to my 365 Day posts so I have an idea of what they're about in case I want to go back and read them. ;D

Anyways, I'm currently in the lobby of the Riverside Marriott. The drive here was pretty long, but surprisingly enough, it wasn't boring at all. I pretty much stared out the window for like two hours and thought about stuff; it was relaxing. The hotel is nice - I liked the Santa Clara one better though. Not really sure why, it just seemed nicer. But whatever, I like hotels (the nice ones, of course).

I also feel very alone because everyone else on the team got a sweatshirt and I didn't. =[ Ah well, I'll get one next year. xP

Our first trial is this evening; I'm so nervous!!! D= Thanks to everyone who wished us luck! We're going to rock this!

And I laugh at all of you in AP Chem right now. =P

Monday, March 21, 2011


The world is so messed up right now... We have the Iraq issue still, we had the Egypt revolt, the Japan earthquake led to a tsunami and a nuclear power threat which basically means Japan is screwed right now, and the USA has attacked Libya. Oh jeez.


This looks super good right now.

Do you expect them to just know?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yay Great Mall!

I went to another of those weird college counseling things my parents insist on dragging me to, and ended up going to the Great Mall as well. It was pretty fun actually (at least for the first few hours). Basically just walked around, got food from the AMAZING food court (Mongolian BBQ place ftw!), and waited for my sister to finish shopping. Saw some cute stuff, but wasn't really worth buying.

I did, however, get some cinnamon sugar pretzels from Auntie Anne's and a cup of strawberry lemonade! ♥ I love Auntie Anne's. =]
Came home and slept for like, 3 1/2 hours, and am going to watch (500) Days of Summer later. A pretty awesome day, if not a productive one. But it's okay, because it's a three day weekend! =D


I really wish Mrs. Dillman would publish the FR grades for 3rd period... Ah well.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

English > Calc!

In terms of my grade, that is. My calc grade has undoubtedly been my highest grade this whole year up until now. English just overtook it! By 0.2%, but nevertheless, I can walk around saying "My highest grade is in English" and sound like less of a nerd than when I say "My highest grade is in calculus"! xD

I'm sort of addicted to WildFrontier... Kudos to Lisa for the game!


My grades are finally at an acceptable level! (That means 90%, for those of you who continue to annoy me by implying that I wouldn't be happy unless I got like 100% on everything.) Except for APUSH, but it's close enough that I'll hopefully be able to push it up in a little bit. =]

I did really well on the APUSH test, and pretty well on the chem one.
Would've done only okay on the bio one, but since that test was apparently super hard, he curved it out of 85 (it was the highest grade) so I did pretty well on that too!
I still don't know what I got on the calc group FR, but I'm pretty sure all the answers were right, so just a matter of work. =]
I'm happy.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Today was pretty awesome. =] I had a super hard time getting up in the morning though; I've been waking up like 40-ish minutes early a few days this week to cram for bio, chem, and APUSH, and I woke up this morning but never actually got around to looking at APUSH... Oh well, it ended up being fine.

We had a fun day in Yoga; one of Mrs. Petrich's former students came back and taught us some poses, and I used to do one of the poses for fun, where you balance on your head and hands and put your knees on your elbows. It's called tripod. xP My mom and aunt would always try to get me to stop doing it, but hey, it's a yoga pose!

The calc test wasn't as hard as I heard it was; I actually thought it was pretty easy. Maybe it was just because Eric told me how to do a few problems though. Although it was amusing, because I got held up halfway through a problem and he told me how to proceed, then I finished and didn't get the same answer, because he divided by 4 instead of 2. So basically, Eric knows how to do the problem, and I can actually do it. Yay! But Andrew's paper was the one paper we (me in specific actually) didn't have time to fully check over, and just our luck, his paper is the one getting graded. I know the answers are all right, and he copied some of my work for some of the problems, so those should be right too, but... Ah well, I'll see if she has it done tomorrow.

I got 100% on my APUSH test!!! Yay! Which is also sort of lame, because this is the one test that's worth 50 points instead of 60. Oh well, I'm still happy. I have a freaking 89.9% in that class though, it's like, really now? I feel stupid. =[ The 1920s slang skits were AMAZING. I love my class. ;D


The Mock Trial runthrough after school was fun. It started out, and it was pretty nice and formal and everything. But the baseball team was playing music to pump up before the game ("Don't Stop Believing," anyone?), so we could hear that, and the runthrough was student-judged anyways. People started messed up or stumbling and laughing, and it just sort of went "downhill" from there. xD But it was a lot of fun, especially when Steven began presenting his closing argument in a what I assumed to have been Irish accent.

Lisa, Marnie, and I went to watch Eric pitch after the runthrough. I got sort of bored during the runthrough so I'd already started watching the game from the window (yes I'm a creeper) and figured I could spend some time watching the game after, since I don't have any tests tomorrow. Plus, I figured I might as well go watch Eric for a bit, and make sure that number 20 is him since I wasn't super sure based on watching from the window. Maybe like, 98% sure. =P
Lisa was super preoccupied with saying "Hi Eric!" or something along those lines; I told her not to scream it during the game because it'd prob be distracting, but she wanted to when the players switched sides. I jokingly said to do it but we didn't end up screaming, but then she decides to yell "Eric!" when he got to the mound. I was like -facepalm-.

Anyways, it was sort of amusing because Lisa pretty much had no idea what was going on... Like when one guy hit the ball and a Berkeley high outfielder caught it after he tagged first, she was like, "It's okay, he got to first base!" I sort of looked at her and went, "Uhm... It doesn't work that way..." xP

I went to the track meet after to see if Ross was there and whether he needed a ride, but I didn't see him and he didn't text back, so I just left. He wasn't there though, so it was all good. =P


Today was pretty damn amazing. Fun days in all my classes, even though I had tests in calc and APUSH, and I had fun at the runthrough after school (and being a creeper). Pretty awesome, given that I've had a semi-bad week. So I'm happy now. =]

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I got distracted on my way downstairs to get food and ended up washing my face instead. I don't even know.


I can't wait for next week... No school on Monday, and I'm leaving around 2 on Thursday for Mock Trial. So I'm really only at school for less than 3 days! =D I'll have a crapload of homework to make up though... Blah... I hope we get internet there, although since we're staying at the Marriott, it's probably not free... -sadface- I HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO!!! Aha. Oh well, it'll be fun. I need to remind Lisa to see if she can switch into our room though!


I've pretty much crammed studying for all of my tests this week... I crammed for the bio test on Monday, and the chem test today... Crammed for English during lunch. I haven't even started studying for APUSH, and that's tomorrow (I'm not even going to bother studying for calc). God I'm so screwed. I have no idea what the hell I've been doing; it's like I expect to do fine no matter what I do (or don't do).

I've just been really messed up this past week. I really have no idea; my emotions have been totally out of whack too. I feel like crying half the time and I have like, no energy whatsoever. -sighs- I just want to sleep for a few days...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Alexandra Wallace is Retarded...


Bart Kwan, on the other hand, is amazing. =P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



So exactly how did she get accepted into UCLA in the first place? xD Her way of talking is like, the epitome of the popular white girl stereotype... I get annoyed when people talk on their phone in the library too, but seriously? EVERYONE does it.



We finally had another spirit day! Not exactly sure what it was supposed to be, but we wore dresses, leggings, and boots. Apparently it was "Something We Wouldn't Wear to School" Day, but I'm pretty sure all of our spirit days are like that... xD Oh well. It was fun. Next week is FOB Day, I can't wait to see how amazing we look. =P

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'm totally addicted to these frozen fruit juice pops from Costco. I ate four just today, and I feel sort of bad, but they're so yummy!

On a side note, I'm typing this to the beat of my music. It's harder than you would think...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Today wasn't too bad. I got a C on my Yoga test lololol. xD Technically I personally only missed one point, but we're graded as a pair, so yeah. Not like I care, pass/fail for the win! The calc test was painful... History quiz was alright; I missed a question because I said WWII and not Pearl Harbor (not specific enough). Ah well.

My entire 10th grade Chinese class stole all of the food from the office. xD

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011


General comment... To be honest, PMS and lack of sleep aren't valid reasons to be bitchy. They're reasons to be irritable and have a slightly short temper, but you still don't have any basis to cuss people out and be a douche. Every girl goes through PMS to an extent, and pretty much all high schoolers run on a limited amount of sleep. But does everyone go around swearing and being a loser? I didn't think so.

You're entitled to a level of stress - after all, we ARE high schoolers - and that level is augmented by girl problems and all-nighters, but not the extent to which some people take it. Get a hold of yourself.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Justin started this huge "Let's sing Happy Birthday to Erica!" thing in bio today. And it's not my birthday. Oh jeez. xD

Monday, March 7, 2011


A spoonful of joy. =]

Placed 6th overall in my event!

Pretty damn good for my first time, according to Daniel. Wouldn't be as good if I did a principle event, since those are apparently not hard to place in, but I had my nice 40+ participant RFSM. =P Tiffy got 7th in Principles of Business Management, Daniel placed 8th, and Jung 9th (not sure which events, think Jung's was Apparel and Accessories).


The DECA State Conference was pretty amazing. =] I still can't believe I placed! But hanging out with people was definitely fun, and the whole Great America trip was awesome. Met some cool people too, like Ivan, Chris. P, Tim Kim, Casey, Calvin, and Kyle. Raiding the Elite room to play cards/hold meetings with Mr. Potts's card was pretty awesome too.

And don't even get me started on rooming with Michelle and Jessica... We're so weird... Staying up until 2 eating ramen and watching cartoons. xP It's a butterfly... or a manta ray... or a FLYING TAMPON! I can't even count how many things Michelle misplaced in less than 3 days (hour-wise)...
The actual competitions/roleplays/tests were pretty stressful, especially since I didn't really know what I was doing, but they were fun nevertheless.
I can't wait for next year!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Got in the top 8 for both of my roleplays! Probably didn't make ICDC (need top 3 overall and I didn't get anything for the test), but I'm happy. First competition EVER, and in a category of 40+ contestants! Plus, the 7-10 people I talked to for the event (RFSM - Restaurant and Food Service Management) were returning participants. I'm pretty proud. =]

Friday, March 4, 2011


I felt sort of bad, but I woke up at 9 this morning, and the first thing I thought was, "HAH. People are in AP Chem right now!" xD

We get to go to Great America in like 15 minutes (at a DECA conference, who would have thought?!) so I'm super psyched for that. I've taken the math and event tests (not taking econ) and they didn't seem TOO bad, except when they got into business jargon which I mostly didn't understand... But who knows, I probably failed it.
Our team was creamed in Quiz Bowl. xP Ah well.
I don't feel like I'm at a conference really... Like, I don't feel like I'm on vacation, but it's sort of like being at home and school. In a sense, at least. We still have testing, we go out to eat at like IHOP (the service SUCKS, we waited 50 minutes for them to just take our order!) and sushi places, and yeah. It doesn't seem that much different. But it's super fun! =]

Hope everyone is doing well back in San Ramon!!!




Hell yeah Mock Trial!!! We made it to states!!! =D And I got an individual award too ;D. Most Outstanding Brooke Crane ftw! I love you all, great job guys!

I'm there in spirit. =P

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So apparently Friday is the one day I'm actually doing stuff in my classes... There's a lab in chem, a test and "nature walk" in bio, and we're returning/checking out books in English... Blah.


Ahhhh, I reallyreallyreally hope we made it into state! I'm pretty sure I didn't get all 5s (one of the scoring attorneys didn't seem to like me all that much...) so if we lose by like, a point or two, I will be pissed at myself... But we're going to make it! We will! I can't even find out if we did because I can't make it to the awards ceremony on Thursday! D=

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ACT Scores

I'm trying to figure out if the stuff they send the colleges is the scores they show you, or if they recalculate your score based on the English/Writing Combined score... Because I like my current composite score, but I didn't do so hot on the essay, so it drag my composite down a point if it gets re-evaluated...

