Saturday, January 30, 2010

Science Bowl!

Yeah, well I failed. Literally. So bad that I started crying partway through. But otherwise, it was pretty fun! Team A did really well before losing to Mission San Jose B, who ended up winning the Bowl, so...

Anyways, I actually didn't go ice skating with the rest of the team; I stayed with Soham to watch the rest of the Bowl. =P But afterwards, I met up with everyone at Yogurtland, and we went to the park/Marketplace. They have a new park! But it was fenced off, it made me sad.

Oh yeah, and I got poked a ton today. And carried quite a few times too, which is weird, but whatever. -shrugs- I think about 3 times total? Well, actually four.

Anyways, today was pretty fun, even though I epically failed. I'll do better next time. Hopefully. If there is a next time...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sling's Party! =D

, my jiejie is sixteen already!!! Time goes by so fast... Anyways, the party was pretty awesome! There were so many people! o.o It was crazyyyy. But hey, more people = more friends! XD

So she had her Wii, XBox... and the garage was AWESOME. It was like a disco ball with green light. And a TV. And a couch. =P

Anyways, so we went to the park, where Jess was heck scared to go down that pole slide thing. It was rather funny. Then I went on the swings (but like the baby ones, since people were on the regular ones), and shot some baskets. I actually made most of mine; I was surprised. =D

Rock Band was hella awesome too. Tons of bad singing (on my part, of course). But it was fun!

And OMG BALLOON FIGHTS! (Regular ones, not water balloons. Sadly. XP) With Andrew, Kevin, and Shekhar. Mainly, at least. It was pretty awesome. We had quite a few popped balloons too... o.o Eh whatever.

And poker! We played in two groups first, where I totally owned (I know, amazing, huh?). Then people stopped playing/had to leave, so we joined the other group. I joined forces with Shalini, who was winning in that group, and we double-owned. XD Then Julia got quite a bit of money, so we were almost tied, but then the guys decided to do girls vs. guys (bad planning on their part), and then quit after like, two rounds, because they "got tired." I think the fact that we had about 3x as much money as them contributed too. But hey, that's just a guess. ;D

Then we got dragged by Sling into the garage, where we were supposed to dance. But some people didn't feel like dancing, so we played Apples to Apples out in the dining room (I guess it was?) instead. My best match ever? Masculine... -drumroll- GIRLFRIENDS! Hey, I didn't have anything that actually made sense, so... XD It worked!

So yeps, it was pretty awesome! I love Sling's parties; there's always tons of people to hang out with. ;)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finals are OVER!!!

Yay! And I have an A in all my classes! Heck yesh! If Marching Band doesn't factor in, which it shouldn't, 4.57 GPA here I come! =D I'm so ridiculously proud of myself... You'd think it's not much to be proud of, given that I shouldn't be failing classes or anything. But whatever. it makes me happy!

I got an 86% on like, all of my Honors/AP finals. Not complaining of course; it's a good number. Good enough to help me keep my As. I actually got an 82% in Euro though, but he hasn't done his weird curve/point adding thing yet. if he's going to. -shrugs- I'll still have an A. And technically English isn't confirmed yet, but I have a 97% in that class, so unless she's making the final worth a ton, then failing me on it, I'm pretty sure I'll have an A in that class. XD

So yep, today was a good day. I totally thought I failed that Euro test, so I was glad with my B. =) Then I finished French hella early, and figured I couldn't do much else, so I just turned it in and had a rather interesting convo with Shannie. XP Ended getting a 90% on my oral and essay portions of the final, and an 80% on the written/MC part. So yep. I'm so freaking happy!


I went to visit IHMS teachers today too! Got pissed at Hsiang cuz he told me he was at the library and Nob Hill, then he left before I got to both places. And I TOLD him to stay at Nob Hill... -.- Boys... -sighs-
But anyways, visited Goodhue, LaHive, Prochnow, Irwin, Beggs, and some other teachers who I didn't actually have (Cicatelli and McDonald).
Mrs. Goodhue still has my Civil War cannon model thing. The base got broken, but it still looks cool. XD
And Mrs. LaHive apprently still uses my writings as examples. I sort of thought she would have found better pieces of work to use... Eh, not complaining. ;D
Then Mme Prochnow was awesome, as always. Lucy and I told her all about our calling Mme Goldin the wrong name. =P
Mrs. Irwin still remembers my name! I was like, amazed. I don't remember being that memorable in her class, and that was four whole years ago...
Mrs. Beggs' class has gotten so much easier. o.o I wish trig was that easy...

I love my IHMS teachers! Visiting Ms. Brown on Monday, and hopefully Mrs. Keller too, if she's in.


The EP contest didn't go so well. I was too busy studying for finals to really prepare for it. Eh, well. I'd rather get an A in all my classes than win a trophy thing and get a B or two. XP I didn't do too badly though, but I did screw up quite a few pronunciations...

We got pizza! Like, five servings, since we had a class pizza party (with FIVE boxes of Costco pizza for like, 20 people...), then there was pizza in the office for the EP contestants. XD

We had clementines too, which I happily chucked at people. Playing catch with food is rather fun. =) So yeps, Chinese school wasn't too bad today; it was actually pretty awesome.

...Oh yeah. Plus Stanley and Jimmy's conversation about the "benefits" of being a bodyguard. So amazingly stupid, but funny too. What was more hilarious was how hard they were laughing at their own jokes though. XD


Sling's birthday party on Sunday! I'm psyched! Yay!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Personality Mosaic!

Do it! =D

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search (
b. Using ONLY the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. Change rows to 3 and columns to 3 (
d. Save the image and post it on this note!
e. If you're tagged, pass it on. And TAG ME BACK! :)

The Questions:
1. What is your first name? _______
2. What is your favorite food? __________
3. What is your favorite color? ________&______
4. Favorite drink? _________ __________
5. Dream vacation? ______ _______, ___________
6. Favorite hobby? _________/__________
7. What you want to be when you grow up? ___________
8. What do you love most in life? _________
9. One word to describe you? ___________

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three Down, Four to Go!!!

Finals aren't going that badly so far, thankfully.

Mock Trial was easy, as expected. Slightly boring before and after I went, so like... I was an active participant maybe... five minutes out of two hours? Joy. XD

Trig wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm pretty sure I got at least a B. Hopefully. Won't get my hopes up yet, but let's just say I don't have a bad feeling. =P

Chem was so ridiculously easy... I finished in like, half an hour. Unless you know, I screwed up a ton, but I just need a... F. XP Anyways, I was bored out of my wits for the next hour and half (especially the last half hour, since she told us to put all electronics away...)

Okay, now for English, physics, Euro, and French! Let's do this! =D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why is the sky blue?

Do you want the scientific explanation, or MY explanation?

Well, once upon a time, there was a girl named Erica, and her favorite color was blue. She was angry that some people didn't like blue. But then, she figured that everyone likes the sky, right? Or oceans, or some flowers... So she made them all blue. The end.

Questions? I Got Answers! (Maybe. =P)

YES!!! And... F.I.N.A.L.S (F*ck, I Never Actually Learned Sh*t.)

I have a 94% in Euro! (Okay, for those of you who don't understand my joy at having this percentage, you've obviously not had Lambert...) Hell yeah for the EC test that I didn't even do so well on! Well, 26 out of a possible 40. Given that I didn't study AT ALL, I'd say that's pretty decent though. Would have liked to get more, but hey, I'm happy! No more worrying about Euro for a week! Well, I mean, I need to study for the final, but I won't need to stress AS much. =)

But blechhhhh finals... Freshmen complaining about finals should shut up. They have no idea. And if they say they're hella easy, they're right... but only for freshmen. So yeah. Go ahead and be worried or relieved, but don't go overboard.


Okay, finals! Here's my list of what I need to/how I'm going to study (and I probably will never get around to following this, but hey...):

Mock Trial: Hecka easy, no preparation needed whatsoever.

Trig: Need to prepare for this, but I have a bit of leeway. I just need a B-... -prays-
~ Study on Saturday, a bit on Sunday, review Tuesday.

Chemistry: Pretty easy; I don't need to stress in any case.
~ Review on Tuesday.

English: Freaking retarded essay. -.- Blech. I'm not sure how I'd prepare for this, because I don't know what it's on...
~ Sparknotes the books we've read Wednesday, review some vocab, grammar stuff.

Physics: Sort of concerned, but I heard it's not that bad, and I think I just need like a B-C range, so I should be okay...
~ Study/review Wednesday.

Euro: No worries, but I still don't want to fail, so...
~ Actually READ the chapters Monday. (Maybe get together with Brit/Alex...)

French: I need to be worried about this. I'm so screwed for the grammar/composition parts...
~ STUDY Sunday, Monday, Thursday.


Anyways, I'm probably going to go visit Iron Horse sometime during the week too. I was thinking Friday afterwards, since I don't have anything until 5:00pm (Chinese EP contest that I am SO not prepared for, and probably won't ever be due to finals), and I won't have to stress about studying.

But I'm happy today. Go extra credit!

Friday, January 15, 2010

would u like it if i went back to the states? :D

No duh!!! I miss having someone to pick on. =P

Questions? I Got Answers! (Maybe. =P)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Formspring DINOKitty!!!

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

Costco. =D They have like, everything you could ever want in there. Or close enough. And FOOD!!! HECK YESH!

Anything You Want to Know? Ask Away!

Poke Fest!

Anyways, today was okay academic-wise, but Science Bowl was pretty fun. =P
Mock trial was pretty boring, since I didn't get called to testify today or anything.
Math was... ehhh. I screwed up on one of the problems on the test; it was supposed to be hella easy, but I had no idea what it was asking for. I'm pretty sure I got the graph for the bonus though. I just hope to God that I got an A... (I really need an A on the final too. Blech. I need to start the notecard for that...)

English was boring. I think she thinks that we'll learn from doing crosswords on vocab/Great Expectations... Some of the words don't even have anything to do with the story. Like, "The past tense of 'tell'" Uhm... told... Why does this matter again?

Euro was pretty boring too. No quiz or anything, but we had to finish these maps of Italy and Germany... Which he didn't even collect. I hate it when he does that. It's like, we work hard on this crap, then he says it's for our own use... It was pretty much impossible to fill out too, since half the cities and stuff aren't even labeled on the maps in the book.
But yeah.

So I was pretty brain-dead when I got to Science Bowl. I didn't learn much today though; I was too busy poking/trying to not get poked by Zach. I really should stop doing this. I have such a disadvantage. DX Height-wise, arm length-wise, and just size-wise in general. I swear, he could probably pick me up and throw me halfway across the room if he wanted to. (I was giong to leave it at 'pick me up,' but then I remember Robyn can do that too. XD) But hey, he always pokes me first! -.- I'm simply retaliating. Even though he always ends up poking me more times anyways. -sighs- Oh well.

I guess some people got mad at me for being immature too, but it's just sort of part of my nature. It's like some people are just smart, or just eloquent or whatever. I'm just immature/annoying. Sometimes it annoys myself too, but... -shrugs-

Then I played the sticks game with Soham (whatever that's called; the game where you start with one on each hand, then tap other people's hands and add up the number and crap) and it's funny; he actually calculates all his moves. But it must work, because he almost always wins. XD
Then we played Rock Paper Scissors. Which I sort of won at. =D So yeah, it was pretty fun today.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Oh my gosh, that was like, one of the BEST movies ever!!! Seriously... I wish I lived on Pandora... I'd much rather be a Na'vi than a human... Plus we get awesome flying birds!!! Sure, I might kill myself attempting to bond with one, but hey, the possibility is awesome! And you can bond with pretty much every animal on the planet... Plus the Na'vi all seem to some respect, respectful to each other. And they live with the planet, not just taking advantage of it...

Anyways, I'm not going to post that much, because I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it, and also because there just like, are no words to describe it. It was THAT good.

I will have a slight
(SPOILER ALERT!) spoiler here though... I can't believe Trudy dies! That was so sad... She was so awesome! I would totally be friends with her... Like I loved how she painted her battleship with blue/white stripes (best color combination right there!) and had on "war paint" and everything. Then when she shot against the huge flying ship of bad guys (or whatever), she was going against all odds pretty much. Like, she probably knew she wasn't going to win, but she stands up for what she believes in, just like when she refused to fire on Hometree. And then she was like, "Hell yeah, you aren't the only one with guns, BITCH." She was just so awesome! I can't believe they blew her up... -cries- (SPOILER END.)

Anyways, yeah, that was one HELL of a movie! I would so watch it again! I think we need to buy the DVD when it comes out; it probably won't be as awesome not in 3D, but it's just so amazing, it would be a shame not to have it...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Feel Like A Fatty! =D

Yeah, contrary to popular belief, this is not a "=(" moment. It's a "=D" moment! I am celebrating my fatty-ness. Even though I sort of feel bad for eating so much, you know... I love food. XD But anyways, I had two cheeseburgers from In-N-Out and a plate of fries, and a Haagen-Daaz ice cream bar. Yummm. (Well, among all the other crap I usually eat.)

I read something today that made me lol. This guy wrote something like "girls don't need makeup." And I thought, "Makeup exists. If girls don't need it, did you just imply that makeup is for guys?" Yeah, I might overthink things sometimes (he probably just meant the particular girl he was talking to is pretty), but it makes my life much more interesting. Like when Hsiang and I were talking about perfect people. XP

My mom and sister were out shopping from noon until about 10:30pm. o.o I was considering going with them, because I wanted some more sweats and a pair of sneakers, but I'm so glad I didn't... It was sort of funny though, I texted my sister telling them to get some donuts, and when they got home, my mom hands me the box and is like, "I'm so nice to you, I went out of my way to buy you donuts!" (Normally this might have annoyed me, but not today. Still in a good mood. =D) And I was like, "Yesh, yesh, you are. Just out of curiousity, what were you doing for the past 10 1/2 hours again?" (A.k.a "going out of her way" to take my sister shopping. XD) But seriously, they went to four, FOUR different malls (including Sunvalley, which is like, an hour away), plus Ann Taylor's. Crazyyyy...

Anyways, I got so much done today! I'm so proud of myself. I finished everything except for Euro notes, and I don't have that many this weekend! Yay! Physics was actually easy too! So yep, a rather nice day today; I'm happy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Comfort Jacket!

So anyways, I was in a sort of rebellious mood this morning, just kind of fed up with life in general, so I decided to dress accordingly. Not really (not chains or amazingly ripped jeans or whatever), but I DID throw on a leather jacket from my sister's closet that she (obviously) never wears. Anyways, this jacket is so amazingly comfortable! Well, when you zip it up, it's a bit stiff (it's pretty fitted not zipped up too), and it's really soft and warm and I love it! It's my new/official comfort jacket, so like, whenever I'm feeling down or angry at the world, I'll most likely be wearing this or one of my other favorite jackets (like my rainbow plaid; that one makes me happy too).

But anyways, I get to keep this, since Jess probably wouldn't even consider wearing it anymore. Yay! I'm so ridiculously happ
y about it. It really doesn't take much to make me happy, you just need to know the right things. Like, a good jacket (=D), or a pair of comfy pajama pants, or some nice sweats would all make me rather happy. Well, clothes-wise. In general, it would be dramas, food (I'm hankering for donuts right now, we have a few downstairs, and Jamba Juice always makes me happy), good music, and some other things. Not to forget my friends, of course. You can probably tell exactly what cheers me up when I'm having a bad day (unless you can't tell if I'm having a bad day, which actually, isn't all that uncommon) if you know me pretty well. =) But anyways, despite a bad physics test, the crazy workload at Kumon, and being pestered/annoyed at Chinese school, I'm still in a really good mood overall, and I personally think it's because of this jacket.

So yep. Kenneth Col
e, New York. 100% leather exterieur, 100% acetate lining. Size 0. Sort of hidden in plain sight pockets, and zippers on the sleeves (which get sort of annoying sometimes, but they're nice). the only bummer is that you can't wash this in a regular washing machine cycle; I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to wash this, since all it says is "Clean professionally by a suede and leather expert." But it's just... ahhh... ♥

Sure, it might not look like much, but it's A-MA-ZING!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do People Annoy Me?

Why yes. Yes they do. Just because I had run-ins lately with some stuff that doesn't exactly piss me off, but it annoys me quite a bit.

Okay, for one, people who go around bragging about giving gifts to their parents or something. They're all like, "Oh my gosh, I gave my mom this nice *insert thing here*, it makes me feel so generous!" I mean, good for you and all, but you know, you don't have a job... So where did that money come from? Oh yeah, your parents. So you pretty much got money from your parents for being alive (allowances...) and used that money to buy your parents gifts. If you had a job and that's where you got your money, then good job! But, you know. You don't. So...

People who go around saying, "Hey, you know what? My birthday is in __ days! I really wish I could get _____, _____, or _____. I mean, I'm not saying you should get me a present or anything, I just wanted to say my birthday's coming up soon." What's the point of mentioning your birthday if you're going to tack that on? Chances are, if they were going to get you something, they'd figure out when your birthday is anyways, regardless of whether or not you tell them. Trust me on this, I would know. You're just trying to guilt trip them. Plus, if you just said your birthday is in so many days, then okay. But do you have to list what you want and then say that people don't have to give you presents? That's retarded. It's like, you tell them what you want, when you want it, then tell them not to get it. It annoys the hell out of me.

Okay, done ranting. Back to physics/French.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Music!

So I haven't had time to update my MixPod in the last... three days when I "rediscovered" more kpop. Blame it on piano, Euro, Chinese, Science Bowl, or any conbination of those and other crap not listed. So I'll just put up my current favorite bands (with specific songs if they apply) and yeah.

~ FT Island
~ After School
~ B2ST
~ Brown Eyed Girls
~ f(x) - Chu
~ 4Minute
~ SHINee - Ring Ding Dong

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Poker Night?

So anyways, Jess, Nick, Natalie and I went to go watch Avatar, but it was all sold out. -sighs- I really need to watch that damn movie! Blech. Well, we walked around for a bit, got drinks at Starbucks, and, heaven forbid, READ BOOKS at Barnes&Noble. Finished the second Gallagher

Academy book. =D

So, given the fact that we had nothing better to do, we all headed over to Jason's house, where we player Catch Phrase, poker, and Balderdash! It was pretty awesome. I won two games of poker, I felt so proud of myself. =P Then Catch Phrase was pretty fun too, just like yelling out random answers and stuff. And Balderdash was, well, balderdash. Tons of amazingly retarded, hilarious answers and stuff. I need to buy that game; it's awesome to play with friends. Anyways, I had a ton of fun. I hope my friends have game nights or whatevers in the future. XD


Currently, I am unable to sleep right now. Which isn't so surprising in itself, but I actually feel wide awake and am -gasp- listening to Champs-Elysees. Yeah, that French listening thing that goes way too fast and is rather boring from what I actually understand. I'm also trying to read the Euro textbook, but that's not going too well. I don't do good with big blocks of text, I work better reading small chunks. Which is why I like studying off notes. Or summaries. -sighs- Well, I'll do this somehow...

I have so much stuff to do still and this week is pretty busy, so it's ridiculous.

~ Chinese EP contest
~ Science Bowl
~ Euro test
~ Champs Elysees
~ Mock trial scrimmage
~ memorize piano pieces

Plus a ton more crap that I don't feel like listing because it's not as important. the major thing though? Finals in two weeks. I'm only confident in less than half my classes: English, chemistry, and Mock Trial. I think I might be okay in Trig, but I'm freaked out by physics, Euro, and French. Actually, scratch that, I'm pretty scared for Trig too... All my grades in those classes are like RIGHT on the edge. Like, 90-91% on the edge. Which means if I don't get an A on the final, or at the VERY least, a high B+, then my grade goes bye-bye! I've never felt so stressed for finals before. Which isn't saying much, but like last year, all of my classes were just like, I can't fail the final. Now it's I have to get a good grade. Ahhhhh.

Well anyways, yeah. Just a small post given that I don't really want to be listening to this French reporter dude. Or whoever the heck he is. Or studying Euro. So yeah. ;D

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yep, that's me! Sort of. =P Anyways, I've finally made a symbol for DINOKitty! =D It makes me happy beyond belief; I think I did a pretty good job. I made it really simple though, not much to be that proud of. But I wanted to be able to redraw it in a short amount of time. Like Shin Woo's signature for Mi Nam. ;D

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

And what was I doing on this lovely night? Out partying perhaps? Or getting together with my (imaginary) significant other? Nah. I was playing piano. And reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol," which is a rather good book. But anyways, first half hour of 2010 vanished while I was pounding on those lovely black and white keys. No countdown for me. =P Not too disappointed though. I figure I still have 364 and 23.5/24 days to make up for it.

Hope everyone has a GREAT New Year!!! =D