Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stalkers at the Mall

Jeez I haven't posted in foreverrr...
Well anyways, over the weekend, I went to the mall with Mike just because we were bored and needed something to do. XD So anyways, he wandered off somewhere when I was getting us those smoothie/slurpee thingies, so I was walking around the place trying to figure out where he went.
Then this one guy starts following me, and I got totally creeped out, because usually when people follow me in the mall, I'm with a friend (and therefore it's less creepy-outy), and he keeps following me, and you can tell he's actually being serious about this because he has this sort of creepy look on his face. Plus, there's no friends around him, and he's not bursting out laughing. So yeah, he was about our age, I'd say 15, and would've been sort of cute if he hadn't been stalking me. So I sat down in those nice comfy sofa chair things, called Mike, and was like, "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE BEFORE I GET KIDNAPPED BY THIS TEENAGE STALKER/KIDNAPPER DUDE." So I'm sitting there, drinking my slurpee thing, and Mike comes over, gets his slurpee thing from me, and we start walking towards H&M, and get this. The guy is still following us.
I swear, isn't it sorta of common sense not to stalk someone if they bring over a friend of the opposite gender? Most sane people would put one and one together, as in 1 girl + 1 guy = ??? and bug off. Not that it's always true (like now), but I mean, seriously.
So then Mike decided to record him following us, which was sort of lame, but hey, each to his own. So after a while, we were getting pretty bored of looking over our shoulders and asking each other, "Is he still there?" So Mike goes over to the guy, and I have no idea what the hell he's doing, but I can hear him pretty well (the guy sucks at being a stalker, he's like, 7 feet away), and so basically, he was pretending to be my boyfriend and was pretty much acting all pissed off at the stalker dude.
Then the dude pretends he doesn't know what we're talking about, so Mike whips out that video clip he shot (of like, 10 minutes with the guy behind us). So after that, the guy just stands there, stammers, then beats it. I was like, LOLLL. It was hella funny. XDD


Anyways, brief synopsis of my life:

PE: Softball. The ball is like, bigger than my hand. And the bat is apparently heavy (according to Courtney, who used to play softball), but I don't think it's THAT bad. But yeah, it's sort of heavy. No swimming! Ever!!! Hell yeah! XD

History: Israel stuff. Socratic seminars. I'm not exactly sure what we're doing, but we have a test on Israel, so I'll take a wild stab and say Israel. XD

English: The Importance of Being Ernest! Haha I'm the person who falls in love with Jack, because I think his name is Ernest. Which, technically, it really is, but...
Presented my Alex Award today too; epically failed, but whatever.

Bio: Molluscs. Great. ROFL, we had a sub on Friday, and I was hella tired, and we had an underwater video to watch, so...
Sleepy Erica + Dark Environment = Sleeping Erica
There's a first time for everything. =P

Math: Conics. Fun... Parabolas, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, foci, directrix, transverse axes...

Ceramics: Glazing. Not much else. We're having a food thing as our final. Bahaha. Of course we need to make the stuff we're putting the food in, but... Easy final. It's all good.

French: Petit Nicolas! Last test on "Le Bouillon" tomorrow, then we're acting out our own chapter. Haha yay! But Madame Goldin isn't coming back for the rest of the yar, and the sub is hella annoying... =(

Random Stuff: You're looking at the blog of the newest employee of Kumon! Haha, so lame, I know. Apparently I got the last spot, since someone is leaving, but whatever. Starting next Tuesday! Come visit me: Tuesdays/Fridays, after school! It's the Kumon by Le Asia.
I am so screwed for my piano Guild testing. Not even joking.
I got those Academic Excellence award things from Pence (haha, 110%!!! XD), and Foss (o.O).
David Choi Music! Go check it out. ;D (I need to update my MixPod...)
Robyn's sick. =\ I hope she gets better soon... Have fun reading these posts, Robyn! I'll try to update daily. Haha, yeah right. XD
I REALLY want a Werther's Caramel right now... *sobs*


Thursday, May 7, 2009

No Swimming, Please

Anyways, apparently if the showers don't get fixed, we don't have to swim in PE! W00t! Not much else to write, so...

I really
I really hope
I really hope that
I really hope that the
I really hope that the showers
I really hope that the showers don't
I really hope that the showers don't get
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that we
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that we don't
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that we don't have
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that we don't have to
I really hope that the showers don't get fixed, so that we don't have to swim.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I went Sunday with Sling, Tiff, Jess, and Justine. I thought it was pretty good. The very beginning was rather confusing and sort of stupid, but the action sequences were AWESOME, especially after they join Team X and infiltrate that one building. Haha. Agent Zero and Deadpool are sooooo cool! Too bad they were both evil and died in rather disturbing ways. XD The guy who played Wade was pretty cute though. And I was like, "OMG, that dude [Bolt] is the hobbit!" Then Tiff was like, "Wtf...?" because she's never watched any of the LOTR movies before. XD
It was sort of awkward, since we were in the very front row. The theater was PACKED. Anyways, I got dizzy during the previews. XD Kind of funny, but annoying nevertheless. The Ice Age 3 preview was soooo cute! =D

Afterwards, we went to Barnes&Nobles and read some books, then just wandered around for a while. All in all, a pretty cool day. Not spectacular or anything, but fun nevertheless.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Objection, Your Honor!

Yup. The mock trial is going pretty well. I think defense did really good, given that we haven't even started to present our case yet.
Apparently I objected too much though, as stated by *cough* CourtneyandRobyn *cough*, but Mr. Sloan DID sustain most of them. Plus it doesn't seem like all the jurors were annoyed, just a few. *cough* But whatever. It was rather fun. I can't wait for the closing!!! It's going to be awesome. =D
I'm soooo glad that Eric's the emperor though! I mean, he's going to be an awesome witness! Haha, I probably didn't even need to give him the answers to my questions. ;D

As for objecting, I object to all my other classes. XD Well, most of them.

Bio was pretty interesting, but really depressing too; Mr. Pence just talked about his niece, who was strangled and set on fire by her ex. o.o

Now, Chinese was HELLA fun. I stole Michael's folder and decorated it with smiley faces, flowers, hearts, and rainbows!!! Haha. He was like, "Great, now everyone's going to think I'm gay." XDD Then during break, Kim, Michael, and I went outside and got totally drenched in the rain. It was pretty fun.

Stupid Poetry Project...

It's freaking torture. -.- At least I picked all my poems already... I hope I finish by the time it's due though. I have this awesome idea that just MIGHT get me some extra points, plus it takes some problems off my back, but I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. Maybe she'll give me an extension? Yeah right. XD
Anyways, we have to put it our "Capturing a Moment" poem, which sucks. Because my poem sucks. =P But I never posted it up here, so... Here you go! ;D

Behind a Veil of Steam

A light gauze coats the transparent door of my shower,
Lazy droplets slowly inch their way down walls of glass and tile,
The temperature knob turned as far as it can go,
And scalding drops of water penetrate my sin like tiny bullets.

Tensions throughout my body which I didn't even know I possessed
Oozes out of my pores into cascades
Of shimmering water streaming down my body.
I breathe in a mist of cucumber shampoo and liquid Dove soap.

The rhythm of the water dancing on the floor,
Creating a blanket of soothing music that envelopes me like an old friend,
Muffles the noises of the evening that permeate through our house:
The sound of frying, movies playing... all extinguished by the soft pitter-pat of water.

In the shower I am alone.
No sister barging into my room unannounced,
No friends interrupting me with the shrill shriek of the telephone,
No parents nagging me about school and piano.

The water falling from the shower head is no ordinary tap water,
But rather a magical fluid infused with a mysterious power that entrances me.
The sparkles of falling water mesmerizing me into reflection,
Allowing thoughts tumbling in somersaults to soften into a dewy mellowness.

Within this world of glass, I catch every thought in my mind
Before they vanish like the ephemeral flashes of fireflies.
Then I release them into the world, let them drift away,
Up towards heaven like softly curling vapors of steam.

Within these walls, I find myself:
A writer, contemplating the notions tinkling through my mind like a well-known melody.
A child, remembering days on the playground monkey bars, climbing looming trees.
A friend, thinking of those who have come and gone, cherishing the ones with me now.

I am tucked away in this small three-by-four pocket of time,
Away from frantic deadlines and countless things to do.
The last of the water flows into a swirling spiral down the drain t my feet,
Having cleansed not only my body, but my mind and soul,
Leaving the bare essence that is me.