Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Myths... That "Wonderful" World of Fantasy...

Yeah, when I was about 8, I got immersed into the world of Greek mythology. Like, not "First there was Chaos, who gave birth to blahblahblah..." but the ones about heroes and Hercules and Theseus and stuff. So basically, my teacher read us a bit about Hercules, and we watched the Disney version, so I got interested and checked out this little summary myth book, and looked up the myths I wanted to read more about. So basically, I loved mythology.
And now? It's sort of annoying. Stupid myth test... I'm actually okay with the myths (not so much all of the names, but...), but I hate the allusions and vocab...
It's such a herculean task to memorize these! I hope that this test won't be my nemesis... I'm in such a panic because I haven't started actually studying yet... I don't think I'm going to study much, or else it will be Pyrrhic, but if I don't study, I will be sure to get lost in the labyrinthine questions that are bound to appear, and fail. How dare the Draconian Ms. Foss hector us with the prospect of such a hard test? Okay, I'm done with my philippic now. =P


PE was boring. We fail at field hockey... XD

I totally bombed my math quiz. I got 14/20! Yay! Ugh. I really am not looking forward to Wednesday... Stupid test on permutations and combinations and crap...

I read the myth book in ceramics. I really didn't do a thing I was supposed to be doing, since Mrs. Tussy was entering grades, so she didn't notice, but I'm pretty much done. I'm farther than like, half the class. ;)

I was dead during French. Don't even ask me what I did. Something about learning vocab about going to the doctor's and stuff.

Haha, I feel sorry for Ross. XD He has to put up with me going, "Test me! Test me!" on the ride to school tomorrow. XD He had to put up with it today too, actually. And during brunch. And on the way home. Oh well. He's nice. =P

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Anyways, I had a totally AWESOME time today! Alex came over for like, half an hour because she needed a ride to Cady's (where we then carpooled to Boomer's!), and we basically reviewed for the myth project and talked. =P

Boomer's was hella awesome! We went on the bumper boats and ended up in this big huge mob full of Mock Trial people, and there was mist (from the squirt guns) EVERYWHERE!!! You could barely see who you were shooting at, it was so bad. Haha, everyone got SOAKED. It was soooooooooo fun though!
Then we went GoKart Racing (my first time ever!) and it was AWESOME. I drove like a crazy person, but I didn't bump into anyone!!! I really want to go again, maybe I can go for my birthday? Boomer's isn't that far... But anyways, it was so awesome! I kept swerving back and forth, but I was going full speed and making all these hairpin turns. XD
Then we went inside and played video games for a while (not ones with tokens though, since our card didn't cover that), where Alex and I played DDR, I went skiing, and shot tons of people in that shooting game. =P It was pretty cool.
Then Adam, Lana, Kelly, Aaron, Alex, and I went to play mini golf, hole-in-one version, because playing it normally would have taken FOREVER. Basically, you get two tries to make a hole in one. I got one, and Lana won because she got two. ;) So that was really fun, and then I bought one of those soft-frozen lemonades that I LOVE. I swear, those things are muy deliciouso.
Then we went back in and played some more video games, and then we carpooled back to Cady's house.

We ate tons of pizza, strawberries, chips, Chex, and drank tons of soda! Then, right after, Luke, Tate, and I went on the trampoline, which wasn't very smart, but it was totally awesome! Then we got "awards," gave the 2-year members gavel pins, and gave Mr. Barr and Lori their bed-and-breakfast gift!
We played RockBand too, and I just sang, but it was kinda hard holding the notes since I had a cough, but I still passed all the levels! ;) I love it when Adam sings though, it's HILARIOUS.
Then we watched "The Princess Bride" which was, amazingly, a pretty good movie. Funny, sort of violent but not really, and just awesome in general.
Cady has three dogs (Red, Crash, and Luke Skywalker), a kitty (Jellybean), a frog (Wilma), and a tarantula (Sugar Cookie). The doggies are sooooo cute! I fed Red and Crash some pizza because they kept staring at me, and sitting on either side, and I felt bad. =P
It was kind of funny though, because Mrs. DeLano was baking brownies, but apparently her new oven doesn't work so well, so the sides were done, but the middle was totally uncooked, so we dug it up, threw the bits on a plate, and baked the middle in the oven a little while longer. It looked sort of... weird, but it tasted fine, so... ;)


Yesterday was okay. We played field hockey in PE, which was sort of stupid, because field hockey is just a stupid game. XD Jamie whacked me in the neck with the stick though (totally on accident).

History was okay. We talked about the essay (which, by the way, I passed! Yay!), and did some cultural literacy's, and probably did some other stuff, but I don't remember, as I wasn't really paying attention. XD

We took our "Odyssey" test in English, which I have a feeling I failed, but... Then we watched this really stupid cartoon thing about the gods/goddesses, which had some interesting information, but you wouldn't really pay attention to it because the narrator was so freaking annoying... -.- Oh well.

I was really asleep in lunch, but I helped Kevin with his TKAM homework, since I'd read the book, and Kevin's not azn enough to finish his homework at home. XD

We took a test in biology too, which was actually kind of hard, but I got a 105%!!! (Out of a total 110%, but whatever.) But I felt kind of bad, seeing as I only studied for like, 5 minutes during lunch, and the two times he told us the answers to the first 14 questions on the study in class.
Basically, before the test, he was talking about how if you didn't study for 4-5 hours, you wouldn't pass the test, so I was like, "Oh sh*t..." Then he told us the highest average in his previous classes was a 70%, which made me even more nervous, and I got the test, which was harder than his normal tests, and I filled it out, guessed on a few, but thought I did okay. But I wasn't expecting to get even an A, because I figured I probably bombed a few questions since I barely studied at all, but I got a 105%, and I felt really bad, since there were people who actually studied and barely got an A, then there were people who flunked the test (half the class), and here I am, standing here with my barely studying and having an A+. -.-
I was pretty happy though. And I was proud of my A+. XD Of course, I probably could've flunked the test and still have an A in the class, but whatever.
I got this cool tattoo too, it says, "I Love Your DNA." I still have it. It didn't come off in the shower. o.o But it peeled a bit, and it got worse during the bumper boats today. Oh well. I got this really cool morphing ball from Mr. Pence too. It's sort of broken, but whatever! I love it! =P

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh, What a Difference a Single Letter Can Make...

PE was pretty fun. We played indoor soccer and basketball, but we never got to basketball, since we didn't have enough time. Soccer was hella fun though. XD Kind of lame too, since I was one of the few girls trying, so there's all these guys running around, then me and a few more girls, then these mobs of girls standing in the corner talking and screaming when the ball gets near them. XD But anyways, I had this awesome episode. I was trying to steal the ball from some dude, and I got it for like, a split second, then he tried to get it back by putting his foot directly in front of me, so I tripped over it, went flying, and landed in the perfect position to use my momentum and roll and get back up. ;) It was pretty cool.

Math was boring. We're doing probability. Elementary stuff, it's so stupid. -.- We had a fire drill though, which spared me from about half an hour of torture. False alarm too, so nothing got burned down. Though it would've been nice if it did, as long as it wasn't where my stuff was. =P

I was throwing a pot in Ceramics today, and trust me, that stuff is waaaay harder than it looks. XD My "pot" ended up being rather miserably out of proportion... Oh well. I also happened to give myself a cut... with soft, wet clay...No idea how I did that. XD

Lunch was pretty boring. I've been hella tired this whole week, and I don't even know why; it's not as if I slept particularly late or anything... Oh well.

French was okay. We just reviewed for our test Thursday, and talked about how if you say "baisser" (bess-ay), which means to turn down (the heat, air conditioning, etc.), wrong, and pronounce it "baiser" (bez-ay), it means the F-word. So if you want to tell someone to turn down the air conditioning (Pourriez-vous baisser la clime?), and you pronounce it wrong, you're telling them to go f*** the air conditioning. XDDD
So that made me think of something else, like if you weren't a native English speaker or whatever, and you pronounced "s" like "sh" because of an accent, and you wanted to ask ,"Can I sit here," you'd be saying, "Can I sh*t here?" Which is a rather big difference if you ask me. XP

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Myth Presentation and Alex Award Project!!!

We played capture the flag today, which I sort of tried in (I was defending), but after I narrowly missed getting slapped in the face, I stopped going after the really fast, crazy I-flag-guard-for-my-life people. Plus, I'm still sick, so I couldn't breathe after. -.- But it was pretty fun, so...

We had a "superquiz" in history, which I probably failed, but I can't check my grade, because SCHOOLLOOP IS DOWN. Ugh. Then we have an essay on Wednesday, which is going to be kind of hard to write for me, but whatever.

English was pretty fun though! Dalton and I presented our myth project, but that was sort of messed up. Basically, I had all these props, and I talked through the first few paragraphs, and I started coughing really bad, so I told Dalton to take over, but he had absolutely NO IDEA what we're talking about. So he takes the summary, and reads off of it (word for word), which really isn't what the summary was for, since the language wasn't exactly an "informal, teaching" dialogue. The horse I made was pretty cool though, and everyone got a good laugh out of the skit, which I must admit, Dalton edited pretty well. Then no one got 100% on our quiz, and like, more than half the class failed it, which I found really weird, as I made sure to emphasize the questions with "And make sure you know," or "This is really important," but I guess between the skit and everything, people just forgot... But that really sucks, as it's part of my grade... But I hope I get extra credit for my props?

Bio was pretty fun. We finished up out DNA fingerprinting lab, and got to see these bands of glow-in-the-dark DNA fragments under UV lights. It was pretty cool.


I was so freaking tired today though, and I have no idea why, but I finished my WHOLE Alex Award project yesterday! EVERYTHING! Besides reading the book, that is. But anyways, my project consists of one VERY crappily written poem which really isn't what she wanted at all, seeing as it's mainly a retelling of the story, two pictures, and this wooden swan I made. XD I hope I get an A on that though...


Friday was... interesting. Let's just say that I was "massacred" (not really, but... =P) by some girls during Chinese school telling me to go out with this one guy. It was rather funny, but sort of weird, seeing as afterward, every one of my Chinese school friends was like, "What was THAT about?" Some of my best friends weren't there though, so I guess I won't get bothered about it too much...

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I really need to keep myself updated on posting. =P Okay. I shall go backwards from today until... a week and a half ago. XD

So anyways, we ran a TON in PE today... Two laps, then sprints. So basically, pretty much a mile. Then it was retarded, because I'm sick, so after I sprinted, I started feeling really dizzy and nauseous and almost threw up. -.- So for the first game in Ultimate Frisbee, I was sort of wandering around the field, trying to look like I'm playing, holding my stomach, and trying not to throw up. It was pretty miserable. Lol.

So during lunch, I was actually quiet. I just sort of slept in the shade... Until these guys started throwing a water bottle at each other, it almost hit me, and i pelted it back. =P

Math was boring. We learned about the "Fundamental Counting Principles!" Yay for 3rd grade math!!! W00t!!!

Ceramics was boring too.

So was French. I am SO good at describing my day huh? Miserable and boring.


PE yesterday was okay... We did this weird descending jumping jacks thing instead of running, so...

History was pretty fun. We just presented our PowerPoints; I'll probably have to go tomorrow...

We just watched some more of "The Odyssey" in English. Mr. Bourg subbed for us, so yay for bad jokes 2 periods in a row!!!

Bio was HELLA boring. We just reviewed RNA. Thank god it was only 45 min... (CAHSEE testing, so everyone but sophomores got to get to school at 11:00!!! And that's only if you have A period!)

I had this awesomely green outfit for St. Patrick's!!! Haha. It was pretty cool. I ran aroung pinching people. =P


We played dodgeball in PE on Monday! Hella fun!!! Except the first game. It was girls vs. guys, so by the time the girls lost, there were like, 2 guys out. XD

Math, Ceramics, and French were boring. =P


I didn't do much over the weekend... Went to Dalton's house to work on the myth project. Our skit was hella funny. I kept forgetting my lines, but whatever. My first skit thing where I had to talk (Ajax), it was hella windy, so you can't even hear what I'm saying in parts. Then when I'm being Sinon, I had to improvise my lines, which made them suck really bad. Plus, Dalton kept smiling behind his shield, which made me crack up, so it took us like, 21 tries to get it right. The only skit part that was really good was the last one, with Astyanax. The invasion of Troy fight scene was pretty nice too. But the part where I shoot Dalton in the heel was really messed up; the wind ended up blowing it near his chest. So that was pretty bad. XD


We had a bomb threat on Friday... the 13th. Apparently, these teenagers were talking about a bomb in a video game, on a simulated high school campus, but someon thought they were talking about Cal High, and things got out of hand. But it was kind of funny; a bomb and shooting threat on Friday the 13th... Plus we did the 13th Cultural Literacy in history... =P
Leadership or something put these signs on all of the teacher's doors. For appreciation, I guess. Mr. Sloan's was "Class Clown," and Ms. Foss' was "Best Couple... with Mr. Sloan." XD I was joking to Courtney and Robyn, I was like, "It's because the best thing about Ms Foss is Mr. Sloan! They can't think of anything nice to say about her." XDD But Ms. Foss is pretty awesome.


On Wednesday, we played wiffleball/volleyball again... We failed on the volleyball court, because Kevin wasn't here. XDD

We went t the library in history, and hd to start our African country PowerPoint. I finished, like, half a slide, so I didn't even save it. I just went home and did the whole thing. XDD

English was HILARIOUS. We watched this movie about ancient Greek philosophers or whatever, and there were all these busts of Socrates and Pythagoras and stuff floating around, coming out of temples, etc. =P

Bio was boring, since we just did DNA/RNA stuff...

I went to the movies on Sunday with Sling, ChiChi (Wayne), Ethan, and Sam. (FYI, I really don't know Ethan or Sam. XDD) We watched "Taken," which was a pretty cool movie. Tons of action and a guy running around killing people. =P Then afterward, Sling and I were going crazy running around the place (Regal), so we ditched the guys like 3 times for Barnes & Nobles, Party City, and Starbucks. It was pretty fun. Then everyone was picking on Wayne, cuz he's such a good sport about it. =P

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ah Dammit...

This guy seems really hurt and I hate myself for having done that to him, but I can't date someone that I don't really like. I've spent pretty much the last year or so wishing for my drama, with the perfect guy, and I still want that, but then there's always the guy that the girl doesn't like, who ends up getting hurt...
I just hate knowing that it's all my fault for the guy being all sad and everything, and I wish I could do something, but I can't... or won't. I tell myself that it's better just to tell the guy you don't like them, but would they really prefer it if the girl said yes? Either way, they'd probably end up getting hurt, but... *sighs*


On a brighter note, my day today was still pretty awesome. Besides that incident.

PE was retarded though. We played wiffle ball, and I couldn't even hit the stupid freaking thing. -.- The first two leading teams in volleyball didn't even make it to that court, because we were stuck sucking like crap on the wiffle ball courts...

Math was okay. We had a quiz during tutorial though, which was when all the freshmen had to go to the gym, so Mrs. Turbeville made all the freshmen finish their quizzes in like, 5 minutes and go to the gym. Which was retarded, because we didn't even do anything, and I didn't get to check my work, so I probably failed that stupid thing.

Ceramics was boring, as usual. My 'night china' collection currently has: one bowl, two small dishes, one spoon, and one pitcher. =P I think I'm going to make a cup next. I don't know if I should make a plate though, because it'd probably turn out really weird...

French was boring. I don't even know what we did... besides watching Mr. Bean! =P


Chinese was hella fun. Daniel stole the teacher's binder, so Michael and I had to go chase him around the school. =P Then Brian, Ryan, and Michael were pelting paper wads and paper airplanes at each other again, but I refrained from doing so. I actually did my work for once. XD
Then, at break, Michael was really tired from sugar (caffeine and sugar make him sleepy. o.o), so he kept trying to sleep on the benches, so I'd do all these weird motions and make weird faces around his head. =P
In the second half, we were learning all the crap about family relations, and what you call your aunt, uncle, etc. So she was teaching us the word for our nephew/niece if we have a brother, which is "zhi zi," but I misheard it and was like, "You call them 'ju zi' (orange)?!?!?!" Total blond moment. =P

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy, Hyper, and Very Much High!

Yay! Six-word stories! Haha. Anyways, my day was pretty awesome. ;) I love this week. I mean, I've gotten a TON of work and crap and stuff, but I'm really happy this week, and I have no idea why... Haha, go me, right?

PE was pretty much uneventful. We had to do sprints, and I was sort of like, screw this, so I didn't really try, but I didn't just jog it either, because I REALLY didn't want to keep running. Volleyball was cool; we won every game! Haha, it was retarded though; on winner's court, I can never serve, because either my serve is either too low, or falls short, so I missed both of my serves, but then when I practice it, it went over... -.- We still won though, so whatever.

History was interesting. We watched this clip on Darfur; it was soooo sad! here we are, complaining about our declining economy, and feeling sorry for the nation's increasing homeless, but even our homeless are way better off than the people in the dislocation camps! It's so depressing...

English was stupid... We have a freaking myth project due, with a simultaneous Alex Award project, and the due dates are 4 days within each other! it's retarded! Blech. Well, Dalton and I are going to make the awesome-est myth project ever!!! Haha, we have the "Fall of Troy," so I'm thinking we should do a PowerPoint, a skit, a poster, or make this awesome Trojan Horse, which, of course, is NEVER going to actually be constructed. XP Oh well... We finished an "American Rhapsody" though. I really liked it; it's a hella good movie...

Biology was fun. We're genetically altering bacteria! Haha. I got an 86% (Asian fail! =P) on my homework though, and I have no idea why, but I still have like, an 113% percent in the class, so whatever. XD I think I failed the test though... Which kind of sucks, but... whatever.

My Pet Peeve of the Day

I usually
don't have this section, but I'm really getting annoyed. Like, I hate it when people find out I skipped a grade, then they start thinking I'm this uber-smart person. I mean, seriously, there's plenty of smarter people. There's plenty of people who probably could have skipped a grade if they were offered the chance. I don't freaking care if I'm a grade higher than you in math, or French, or whatever. Stop comparing your test scores to mine, and freaking out if you beat me. I'm a normal person. I'm not a genius, nor do I want to be one (but I don't want to be retarded either. =P) I finish my homework, and turn it in, and consequently, I get A's. It's not that hard. It's not like I work really, really hard, and end up producing this masterpiece or something. My essays are no better than the average person's, neither are my poems, my test scores, or any other thing. Stop comparing your grades to mine. I'm not any better than any of you.

Mock Trial!!! Third in County!!!

Yup! Best we've done in 5 years! Hell yeah! Haha.

Anyways, the Tuesday competition was HELLA good! I didn't get to participate this time though, but I shadow timed, which was just as well, because their clerk messed up at times. Oh well. We won!!! Yay!!!

We have an award ceremony today; tons of people got awards! Yay! I didn't, but I'm technically not on varsity; I'm just an alternate. Oh well. I still got a medal! W00t! Haha, Bailey has some major road rage issues. =P She screams at people in the car, it's HILARIOUS. So I was in the car with bailey, Shilpa, Cece, and Zhuchen, and let's just say that it was rather interesting between the blasting music, Bailey's road rage, Shilpa attempting to calm her down, Cece texting, Zhuchen doing Government homework, and me.. just sitting there. =P Anyways, Mock Trial did hella good this year, ad I can't wait for the party on the 28th! And for next year! Yay!

Monday, March 2, 2009

High School Daydreams...

Well, you know how like, almost every girl's pretty much wanted to be the popular one in high school? The one everyone likes, wants to be friends with, and the one that every guy has a crush on? Come on, admit it. Maybe it was just a fleeting thought, or a daydream, or maybe you know someone who seems like that girl...

Well, I think it's a load of bullcrap.

First of all, never going to happen. You can't have everyone in the school like you. Trust me. I have this friend, who is seriously totally nice to EVERYONE, and really fun to be around, but guess what? There's some girls that hate her because apparently she's "too nice." I mean, seriously? What the heck? I'm sure we'd all love it if she was finding fault in everyone, and totally mean to all those around her, huh?

And even if that were possible, I wouldn't want everyone trying to be my friend. Like, look at it from this point of view. You'd have tons of people trying to suck up to you. Every. Single. Day. Besides, if you were friends with everyone, that technically means you aren't friends with anyone. You can't be everyone's friend without being influenced to lean one way or another. It's a proven fact.
I'd rather just have my small spiral of friends; the close ones that I can trust no matter what, the ones that I'd tell some of my secrets to (but not all of them), and the ones that are just fun to talk to. Luckily for me, I have tons of friends in that first spiral. Besides, it's not as if you have to know someone for a really long time to trust them. I mean, I have friends from elementary school that I wouldn't trust with some of my secrets, but tons from middle and high school that I would.

As for the guys part. I just wouldn't be able to handle that. Period. I'd probably end up stressing out and end up failing my classes because I'm so preoccupied. I mean, the people who saw me this year around that one time can testify. And that was only three; two if you want to get technical. Yeah, um, looking at, like, more than 100 guys? I'd rather not.
Besides, if every guy liked you, that'd cancel out the part about everyone liking you in general, because obviously there's going to be some girl in love with this one guy who likes you. If that made any sense. Plus, you'd probably end up rejecting guys back and forth, therefore making tons of guys sad. So unless you like making people sad, then, yeah. I'd just rather not even get in to that.

So really? That ideal of high school? Sorry, but not going to happen.
Haha, okay, I'm done ranting. ;) Thanks for "listening," if you actually read through this!